Chapter 40, D-Day

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Chapter 40

 My family sat in its depressed state, as we waited for Mother to bring out dinner.  My Dad sat opposite, was calmly reading his newspaper as a vein pulsed in the side of his forehead.  Obviously he had something he wanted to say but was too reserved to spill it.

My two sister’s sat texting their wanna be friends, each with their eyes glued to the screen.  What had this world come to where communication now had to involve technology?

Kicking my sister, Casey next to me; I saw her eyes meet mine for a minute before she went back to her phone.  ‘Casey, you know you’re gonna go blind before you’re twenty doing that’.

Casey ignored me, continuously staring at her phone; Dad huffed making it clear he had something to say.  If only the prick would spit it out we’d all be happy.

‘Is there something you wanted to say Dad’?

Twirling my fork around on the placemat, Dad’s eyes now meet mine.  His eyes were closed off, clouded from the stress of living such a lonely life.  My real mother leaving him clearly broke his heart in two.  Divided between his job and his duty as a father, Dad crumbed when he suddenly became the only parent.

His new wife just didn’t compare to Mum and if I called her by her real name Elizabeth, I didn’t think he’d hesitate to throw me over the balcony.

‘Actually I have been thinking Beck, why are you throwing your life away doing that ridiculous medical course when you could be earning the big bucks at my work’!

Obviously Dad was angry [S1] about this, I could just tell.  ‘What you consider throwing your life away and what I do are obviously two completely different things’.

Dad grunted, clearly upset I was completely ignoring his point of view.  ‘Fine, go throw your life away, just remember there will be no bed for you here when you get back’!

The words echoed in my mind, my own father was abandoning me; throwing me to the dogs, just hoping I would survive, maybe even hoping I wouldn’t.

My head throbbed with pain as I sat up in bed, almost confused as to how I got here.  Looking around, between foggy vision and my killer migraine, a pile of clothes lay in the corner as they always did.

Last I recalled I was perched up at Peatry’s chair chugging down a pack of alcohol……….must have gone a little overboard on that one.

Climbing out of bed, I could feel a numb pain in my rib telling me the alcohol had long worn off and I was officially back to sober.

Taking two steps towards my mirror, I had to admit bee hung over was pretty cool as I watched the room turn on its side with a loud bang which probably came from me.

The door soon opened as some numbskull burst in laughing.  ‘Why good morning Princess, guess what it’s Monday’!

Pain running through my skull, I threw my arm up in the arm sticking my middle finger where it belonged.  Five minutes later I soon found that I hadn’t even been pointing at Hunter but at some random object in my room, making me more furious.

‘Don’t suppose you have any poison lying around, I may need it later after Mrs Kingsmen drives me mad’?

Hunter chuckled, feeling him grab my arm in an attempt to drag me to my feet, meeting my see I could see the fear, clearly hidden behind his sarcastic comments.  It was very clear Hunter was not looking forward to this meeting.

‘You alright Hunter, you look a little afraid……………Did my snoring keep you up all night’?

Hunter let go, letting me fall back to the floor; ‘this is ridiculous, what do I have to do around here to get good room service’!

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