Chapter 32, My Meeting With Dr Psychologist

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Chapter 32

 ‘Hey Princess, you’re supposed to work with your team, not leave them hanging whilst you run off to get all the glory’!

Standing at the end of the room, holding the oh so glorified football, this was definitely not my thing.  Apparently every Saturday was some game night, where the floors went against each other in some game of football as they called it.

To me, it just seemed like an opportunity for the guys to show off, practically knocking each other out whilst the girls stood on the sideline, cheering and oohing when someone was hurt.  The sad bit about it was that Mrs Kingsmen and her pets approved of the sport and therefore watched every weekend; could my life be much worse.

Being the stereotypical female I was, I wanted to play with the guys and to my surprise most of them were a lot less intimidating then you’d think.

Practically pouncing on one of the less solid built guys, I managed to slam his chin hard into the cushioned floor to run off with the football, seeing as most of the guys were not into hitting a girl let alone tackling her to the ground.

Matthew Myers of course decided he wanted to play the moment I stepped in and lucky for him I hadn’t had the pleasure of interrupting his game yet. 

As Matthew turned to his team, probably making some jerky comment about my ass; I pegged the football with force in his direction, watching as the football slammed into the back of his skull as he turned to leer at me. 

‘Are you special or something Maunders, last I checked that was assault’!

Oh how I liked to wind this guy up, for once I must say I was completely unaware of Mrs Kingsmen at this moment, actually doing the right thing.  ‘I’m so sorry Matt, I must have mistaken your head for a goal post; did you want me to get some ice for that or will you man up and deal with it’!

The guy’s face was fuming as I saw him holding back tears from the pain; as Matt stormed out of the gym like room, I walked back over to where I supposedly stood when play started, waiting to take my next victim.  With Matt’s team down their precious leader, maybe my team could win…………….it wasn’t like I cared though.

Taking my spot; as soon as the other team had the ball, some random guy that seemed to get some pace up, starting bolting past me to the goal.  Expecting me to do nothing, the guy seemed defenceless as I charged in his direction, only to see him pick up speed most likely out of fear for his life.

Taking a break at him, something definitely broke my sprint as I fell fast, slamming my head into the synthetic surface.  Lying there, trying to regain my composure, I heard people cheer as that random guy must have scored, making me more enraged from the game. 

Just on the edge of the cheers I could hear a laugh coming from the one guy I despised here more than that petty Matthew.  Getting to my feet, Hunter was soon standing in front of me, his face almost bright red from laughter; ‘I think that’s karma for you princess’.

Feeling the graze on my forehead, I was almost ready to at Hunter next for his smartass comments.  ‘What makes you the genius, smartass; I bet you did that on purpose’!

Hunter held his hands up in defense, ‘as much as I’d loved to admit to that, I was standing over there in case you didn’t notice’.  Pointing to where he was standing I knew Hunter didn’t do it and it was just the clumsiness coming out in me; ‘whatever Hunter, go be a stud somewhere else I don’t need your help’.

Hunter proceeded to wrap his arm around my waist, earning a wolf whistle from somewhere in the crowd.  Stomping my foot hard on his toe, I barely earned a huff as I wrestled out of his hold; ‘Hunter, what the hell; let me go this instant or I will be sure to make you impotent for life, don’t think it’s an empty threat buddy’!

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