Chapter 43, Coming Back To Hell

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Chapter 43

‘I do not want to work with this crazy girl anymore’.

‘You will do as you are told or you will not have a job here, Goldish’!

I could hear their voices but I couldn’t see, what was happening?

‘I will not ask again Goldish, she’s now your patient and I expect her to carry a successful child’!

Someone sighed as I heard a pair of feet clop off like the sound of high heels hammering against tiles. 

Hazy and disorientated, my eyes began to adjust as I saw a doctor staring down at me, a bright light focused on my eyes.

Focusing on the man above me, I recognised him as Doctor Goldfish, the guy I had picked fights with every time I had come into the hospital for various things.

‘Well look who’s waking up more placid than usual’.

Groaning I could barely understand what this guy was saying.  ‘Why don’t you go back to sleep, I’ll have some questions for you when you wake up’.

Resisting the urge to shut my eyes, I used the last of my strength to pull myself up into a sitting position, soon realising my attempts were useless as restraints held me down to my bed; they weren’t taking any chances this time apparently. 

Looking at the ceiling I noticed the familiar tiled ceiling that filled Advertise Anything in the off limits corridors I had found.

The doctor stayed beside me, sighing obviously deciding I wasn’t going to sleep.

‘Well if you want to skip the rest part, tell me; do you prefer sex or would you rather we just gave you an embryo with your name on it’?

This was disgusting, vile and most likely unheard of.  What kind of people would ask that question when the answer didn’t even make a difference.

Feeling a little more awake, I snarled at Doctor Goldfish, feeling the need to rip his throat apart; ‘I’m surprised you actually have the decency to ask Goldfish’.

The doctor spat in my face, as I watched him walk up near my head; ‘I think you need a little longer to think about your actions, see you in a couple of hours…………………….’

Growling, this guy was so going to get it when I woke up, that’s if these people ever let me wake up.

· · · ·



‘Shouldn’t we ask her first…………’?

‘No, that girl will rip your throat out before she does what you say, just get on with it’!

My lids snapping open, my head tilted up to see two men looking over at me with confusion. 

Staring at the younger man looking down at me, his eyes seemed to glaze over as if consumed with guilt with what he was about to do, whilst the other man’s face turned, his eyes becoming dark and irritated.

‘What the hell is she doing awake’!

The second man’s anger was boiling inside him; even I being completely out of it could tell he was not happy.  The younger man slapped him on the back, smiling reassuringly at me, ‘come on, how about you let me take care of this one; you look a little……tired’.

The second man grunted, now turning to walk away.  I wasn’t sure whether I preferred his obvious anger to the other man’s peculiar niceness or not.

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