Chapter 5, Filth [Mrs Kingsmen's POV]

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Chapter 5

‘So I have called all of you here to discuss our new guest, you have probably either heard about or had to deal with’.  The murmur from the three men opposite was enough to let me know they didn’t like her.   

‘I understand she is a handful, but she a rare breed; one of the only girls her age I have come across with such good genetics.  Yes, she may have a slight attitude problem, which was part of today’s discussion but she is worth every penny’.

One officer, Steve piped up, seeming not offended.  ‘I deal with her enraged emotions every day and trust me, she’s no push over; I hope what she’s worth is more than what my balls are worth’.

Faint chuckles could be heard among my men, each ashamed to admit that having this ‘Beck’ around was actually quite entertaining.  One I called Mack piped up, directing his comment at Steve; ‘at least we won’t have to worry about you running away with her, I know you fancy her attitude’.

Mack was probably right; Steve had been caught before sleeping with a guest.  I did hope though that he had learnt his lesson from the last incident that took place.

My orders were always met with obedience, ‘quiet down, please.  Now I have a proposition; after the trouble that Miss Maunders has caused us so far, I think we should partner her up with someone that could match her fiery attitude’.

Each man sat silent, wanting to hear more; I always got my way, more than these men knew. 

‘After much research, I believe I have found two possible candidates for the job, Matthew Myers, one of the cockiest workers here’.  I guessed the silence meant agreement as I handed the file around for both men since they’d been living here. 

After hearing nothing all meeting, Isaac, my most loyal officer made his argument.  ‘My only concern with pairing Miss Maunders up with a, eye catching ‘mate’ so to speak is that she will outwit him and have more leverage against us’.

Ah, Isaac; his worrying was really needed in this moment.  ‘I have chosen this particular boy as I believe, he may just have what it takes to outwit Miss Maunters, he practically matches her when it comes to stubbornness.  Besides I’m sure a handsome payment package if he succeeds would motivate him further to do well’.

Steve was now questioning my ways again, ‘but what about the project, what if this Matthew gets her pregnant; what do we do then’?

Chuckling to myself, I relaxed into my mood; deciding to just let my officers know what my plans were up front.  ‘We will deal with that as the time arises but first I will inform Matthew of his new position and remind him if he can’t use protection.  I will give him a small reminder of what it would be like to have ‘the snip’ if he does not comply’. 

All three men seemed to agree to this, whilst snickering under their breath at the thought of having to get ‘the snip’ for assaulting any women here. 

With all in agreeance, I called the meeting to a close; preparing to confront the strong minded Matthew Myers in his room.  I could see I would enjoy my new plan, if only Miss Maunders knew what was in store for her.

· · · ·

My knocking was greeted by Matthew’s sly grin, ‘what a surprise Mrs Kingsmen, please do come in’.  This boy was under my control, I knew this would be easier than I thought. 

‘I have a new position for you if you choose to accept, it will involve a little charm’.

I could see the smirk growing wider on his face.  Matthew was such a sucker for flattery, if I didn’t know better I would have said he was crushing on his boss (me). 

Matthew accepted my plan with grace, being overexcited to get the key to Miss Maunder’s room.  I stood there maybe for five minutes, before he packed a few items of clothing in his sports bag and headed down the hall to find Miss Maunder’s room. 

I told Matthew to keep it distant at first, explaining to him the importance of Miss Maunder’s believing he was sincere in his charms.  Deep down I knew that Matthew would eventually fail, leaving me no other choice but to send my best man in.

A little show couldn’t hurt beforehand though; maybe I’d learn something about Miss Maunder’s that would give me the upper hand in taming her violent outbreaks.

Purposely made shorter as I know some people don't like multiple perspectives in a book. Sorry I thought it was needed.

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