Chapter 26, I Don't Fall in Love [Hunter's POV]

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Chapter 26

Hunter’s POV

Well this feeling was familiar; walking to my mother’s office to get lectured about the very same thing I was lectured about not too long ago.  I knew what she was going to say, ‘how on earth did that rat slip through your fingers again, how blind can two trained men be’!

Oh I was prepared for this that was for sure.  I honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if my mother sent both me and Steve to find Beck after our little chat.

Opening the door to her office, Steve as always had beat me here; looking slump in his chair ready for the fury.  My mother’s face was the picture of annoyed as she saw me enter, ‘Hunter please do sit’.

I watched as my mother gestured towards the chair with each finger shaking; anger obviously already boiled inside.

As soon as I managed to take a seat it begun; ‘Hunter, please explain to me how that girl escaped when both you AND Steve were there and there was a LOCKED GATE SURROUDNED BY HIGH FENCES’!

Feeling smart I couldn’t help myself until I realised my mother would probably slice me up into pieces if I continued.  ‘Maybe she learned to fly’.

My mother somehow ignored my comment, throwing me daggers before addressing her questions to Steve.  ‘Why is it, something always seems to go wrong with this girl when you are involved Steve; you are my best officer no doubt but I’m beginning to question your loyalty after this event’?

I have no idea how Steve did it but he came up with the best excuse I had ever heard come from his sometimes deceitful mouth; ‘Madam, you know how slippery Miss Maunders can be; thinking the gate was locked as we all do, I was not concerned when she walked over to it.  The gate malfunctioned giving Miss Maunders a lucky break but do not worry, we will do our best to track her down and bring her back’.

My mother seemed to think for a second, as if considering what to do with us.  It was lucky that the gate the guard was a good friend of Steve’s and had agreed to help us.  His reasoning for leaving the gate was that he had gastro problems, which to be honest was a pretty good excuse.

‘Well since you’ve let her escape you’ll be pleased to know that the project was successful and Miss Maunders has tested positive for having the gene we’ve been looking for; the one that allows her to heal faster than normal’.

Finally my mother had let me in on exactly why she’d wanted Beck but I still didn’t understand the full extent of what her plans were for her.

‘You must find her before anyone at this facility leaks out information about her genetics; I will not tolerate it if some crazed scientists find her before we do, understood’!

Steve made a salute in Mrs Kingsmen’s direction before getting up ready to leave, ‘when would you like us to head out’?

My mother looked at Steve, looking half impressed which I would never understand before gesturing for Steve to go, ‘as soon as I’m done with Hunter, you may leave’.

As Steve shut the door quietly behind him, I didn’t understand what mother wanted from me.  She sighed actually looking more like my mother now than just my unsympathetic boss; ‘Hunter, you have to find Miss Maunders; if you find her I’m willing to lift your contract so you can live out your life as a normal person’.

Listening to my mother I could hardly believe what I was hearing, ‘I only want what’s best for you son, and having worked here for the past few years will look good on any resume you submit so please understand why I have kept you here so long’.

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