Chapter 15, Drunk on Life

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Chapter 15 

‘You think you’re the big cheese but you’re really just the smell’! 

‘I’m sorry did you just accuse me of being cheese’?  Normally I would think Hunter’s expression said that he was ready to lose himself from laughing but at the moment I had no idea what he was trying to tell me.

‘Princess, you need to lie down and go to sleep before something bad happens’.

Wait, what did he mean something bad was going to happen, was he leaving me?

‘Are you leaving me………..I’ll be all alone with no one to talk to’?

It wasn’t until now I realised I had been lying on the bed the whole time.  Hunter came over to sit next to me; ‘what is it that you would miss about my company if I left’?

Thinking it didn’t take me long to come up with a few words I would probably forget once I understood.  ‘Hunter, you’re just the whole package, sexy and great to talk to; who else would save me when the sky is falling’?

Hunter seemed to crack up now, ‘oh princess, I’m taking that as an admission that you like me’.

My mind didn’t comprehend what Hunter was saying, ‘wait; are you my boyfriend’?

I felt my hair being ruffled before Hunter seemed to somehow get closer to me now lying on the bed, ‘whatever you want princess; tell me about your life before you came here’.

My brows furrowed in frustration, what was Hunter talking about hadn’t I always been here?  Processing Hunter’s question, my mind showed me small snippets of what I guessed was my old life.

‘Ummm… landlord was about to feed me to the crocodiles’.  Nothing in my mind made much sense now; did I work at a crocodile park or something?

‘Okay……………so I’m guessing you weren’t paying your rent, I think I’ll leave that question for another time.  What about friends, who did you talk to’?

Thinking for a minute I had no idea who I was friends with, ‘ah, well this was this really cute neighbour who just happened to have a six pack’.

I’m guessing Hunter was going to take advantage of my useless conversation, ‘a six pack of what’?

In my duh tone, I resisted the urge to crack up laughing as I said it; ‘a six pack of beer of course, what other six pack would there be’?

My body was now getting cold, maybe it was snowing outside who knows.  My mind figured Hunter was the easiest source of warmth, making it only a matter of seconds before my body rolled into Hunter, curling up at his side.  This seemed to satisfy my cold form, making me suddenly sleepy from my day.

‘Awwww princess, if only you were always like this; I know for a fact you’re going to kill me when you wake up’.

Mumbling some incoherent sentence, I now curled my arm around Hunter’s torso making him pull me closer to his warm self.  Ah much better, I thought now closing my eyes, letting my confused mind relax. 

‘Sweet dream princess, I’m sure there’ll be nothing sweet about you when you wake up……..’

· · · ·

It was so warm in my bed; I didn’t need Hunter or anyone to ruin my good night’s sleep.  My head felt a little dumb now thinking of it, each minute it would throb making me wince at the pain. 

I guess that meant it was time to wake up………

A flood of memories now ran to the front of my mind; I was acting drunk and Hunter was looking after me and…..wait a second I fell asleep in that animal’s arms. 

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