Chapter 4, Give em' Hell

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Chapter 4

So I’m now locked in my room, with a perverted minded Steve standing outside the door; yarn.  What to do, what to do.

Plan A: Politely knock on the door until Steve answers, only to slam the door in his face

Plan B: Become hysterical in my own apartment, drawing the attention of both Steve and all his friends in the hallway.

Although I am feeling like a bit of an actress right now……………

There’s always Plan C: protect I was a hooker and try to weasel my way out of here.

Maybe that one is a little bit too out there…………guess I’ll just settle for cooking myself whatever these people have put in my fridge.  If it’s poisoned, oh well; but if it’s tastes like frog; that’s just plain unacceptable.

The hour passed with me rhythmically slamming my forehead against the wall.  I was honestly surprised Steve never came in to investigate.  At least now I had an excuse for my bad attitude; I have serious brain damage and cannot process more than two words a minute in my day.  That sounds acceptable doesn’t it……………….

The door slowly creaked open; finally I could make a complaint about these horrible living conditions.  As if five star resort quality wasn’t enough; being bored drove me round the bend. 

And what do you know, a handsome looking Steve appears in the doorway, holding a nicely wrapped bundle of khaki pyjamas.  Like hell, I was going to put on those clothes; especially in my state of mind. 

‘My dear, your night clothes have arrived, feel free to refuse all you like; I really, really don’t mind helping you change’. 

Scowling I took the pyjamas from Steve, throwing my hand out to punch him in the nose.  I will admit, this time he was prepared for my blow; Steve’s arm flexed out grabbing my hand and squeezing it with all his might. 

Dropping the pyjamas, I threw my other arm up in an attempt to undo what Steve had created; only to be met with another hand firmly holding my wrist. 

Clicking his tongue like his good old master Kingsmen, Steve did no more, beginning polite conversation.

‘I understand the accommodations are not what you expected, but I would advise you to be ready bright and early for tomorrow; you have an appointment with the nurse’.

Pfffffft, I couldn’t imagine what the nurse wanted with me; I could just imagine her in my own little impersonations.     

‘My dear, I’m afraid you have cancer and will be dead by morning; feel free to run riot of the place, just don’t let Mrs Kingsmen or her pets catch you’.

 This; this is what I want her to say.  Though I’m sure the smirk Steve was giving me right now meant it was something else.  I wonder if Steve would notice if I was to kick him in the balls right now.

Steve must have guessed what I was thinking; now spinning me around to clasp my hands behind my back.  His soft whisper in my ear drove me crazy; if I got out of this, he was going to need some serious surgery after the bruise I give him.

When you’re threatened with a Taser, it kind of calms your anger as I just found out.  Your body sort of decides well, you know; I’m just not that into get zapped and losing more brain cells so I might sit this one out. 

So my brain replies, fine he’s an asshole but I guess I can agree this time.  And so this was how I ended up lying in bed in the complete darkness; listening to the sound of nothing, in my room.

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