Chapter 44, I Wasn't The First Or The Last

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Chapter 44

The days passed with Steve practically leading me around like a dog on a leash.  Every so often, I’d hear him mutter under his breath, ‘good girl’ or ‘stay’; it was really starting to get on my last nerve.

I had seen no sign of Hunter since my little outburst at the beach house, nor had I heard anything about Peatry, other than what had Steve had told me which was nothing.

Everyone thought Steve had mastered the great wilder beast as he dragged me around, without me even putting up much of a fight.  There really wasn’t much point, Steve was my only way out of here and if I wanted to leave alive, I guessed I’d have to behave…..    

Finally been let off my leash as Steve would say, I was back at the running track, seeing Olive’s eyes light up at the sight of me.  I really did wish someone would put a bullet in my head already.

‘Oh my god, it’s you’!

Seeing Olive skip over in the most unbalanced stride I’d ever seen, she slammed into me, wrapping me in a tight hug.  Resisting the urge to vomit down her back, I simply watched the losers strutting their stuff on the track, until one person caught my eye.

One overenthusiastic Matt was looking my way, almost perving on my ass as he walked over.

He hadn’t changed a bit, the cocky attitude was practically sending vibes to everyone surrounding him as they stepped aside to let him through; what was he anyways, the king or something?

‘Well, well, if it isn’t Miss I don’t follow the rules’.

Copying Matt’s accusations with my hand, he soon flared up, already gritting his teeth before I had opened my mouth.

‘Hello Matt, is the freaks club treating you well or are you just hanging out with skankier girls now’?

Matt was already over the limit he could handle.  His hands clenched in fists, watching my every move, waiting for me to let my guard down so he could strike.

‘Watch your mouth girl, your prince isn’t here to save you and I’m sure the guards would love a little show before carting you off in an ambulance’.

Pfffffft, I had been here what three days and already Matt was making death threats; he had no idea who he was messing with.

‘How bout I count to three and if you haven’t left by then, I will kick your ass Matt’!

Matt cursed, looking back over to his friends almost in a pleading way.  ‘How about we just settle this right now, there’s no need to count, what are we; in primary school’?

Well so much for self-control; throwing an upper cut in Matt’s direction, he was distracted, thinking his friends would come to his rescue as my fist connected with his chin.

Olive stood behind me, using me as a protective shield as if Matt would really want to have a go at her, just breathing in her direction would make her turn and flee.

‘What the…well bitch you just cost yourself your face’!

Taking my fist back, Matt soon swung a punch at me as I’d expected as I ducked and rammed into his stomach, feeling his body fall backwards onto the ground.

With a loud oomph, Matt was just as quick as I to throw another punch at me, this time connecting with my nose which had barely healed from when Steve had punched me.

Punching into Matt’s face, he soon flicked me off with his legs, with more force than I ever imagined as I rolled onto the ground; hearing muffled screams around us.

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