Chapter 9, See You Soon Princess

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Chapter 9 

‘You will fall for my charms eventually princess’…..

What the hell, he’s in my head now.  The darkness now seemed to evolve to form a brightly lit room.

Standing in, what seemed like a white cushioned room as if in a mental institution; Hunter was opposite me.  Something felt wrong with this very moment; taking a step back, I bumped into a cushioned but steel door. 

This had to be a dream; this couldn’t be real, could it?

‘You look a little confused, princess; please enlighten me, I feel like a good story’.

Growling in Hunter’s direction, I now stalked towards him; preparing to throw a punch at his perfectly defined face.  ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you, after all this is a dream’.

Ignoring Hunter’s request, my fist flew through the air, closing the small distance between me and Hunter before continuing to pass through Hunter’s face and the back of his head.

‘Do you believe me yet Princess?  This is a dream, as in it’s not real and you can’t hurt me; does that comprehend or do I need to write it down for you’.

My enemy and roommate was now in my head, I really needed psychological help.  Taking back my fist, I was now standing right in front of Hunter, able to admire his features.

‘So since this is a dream, does that mean we can have sex and you won’t get pregnant’?

 My face now changed from confusion, to curiosity, and now to hatred.

‘Get out of my head’!

Hunter chuckled, ‘hey it’s your dream; you mustn’t loathe me as much as you say’.

 Turning to run full pelt into the door, it seemed my own dream was trapping me with this moron.  The door handle wouldn’t turn and the glass window seemed double glazed with a strong type of glass embedded. 

Hearing Hunter stepping closer, I turned to face him, half fearing what he would do.  ‘You need to relax princess, I would never hurt you; you should know, we are roommates after all’.

Slowly bringing his hand to my face, I cringed at the thought of Hunter’s charm.  Now stepping to the side out of his reach, I felt more comfortable knowing I had rejected him.

Hunter seemed unfazed still standing where he stood before, looking in my direction.  ‘You are the first girl to resist my charm you know, I’ve never met anyone so guarded around me’.

I wasn’t sure if it was the dream that did it or just what I dreaded that made it happen.  Hunter practically appeared in front of me again; now trapped with his hands either side of my face against the wall, I really did feel uncomfortable. 

Hunter’s voice was only a whisper but of course, since it was my dream; I could hear him easily; ‘maybe you should be more worried about what’s happening in your room right now, instead of fantasying about me.  After all, you are asleep remember’……………..

My eyes jolted open, the instant Hunter’s words registered in my mind.  I was still lying on the lounge with my dooner keeping me warm; the smell in the room was overpoweringly nice though; it smelt like……breakfast.

Looking over towards the kitchen, Hunter was seated at my small table with a plate of toast, cooked with eggs, bacon and cheese sitting in front of him.  It took maybe the instant for me to register it was Hunter at the table, as it did for Hunter to now be staring dead at me.

‘Princess, you’re awake; you wouldn’t believe the food around here!  There’s a plate in the oven if you’re interested…….’

Rising from the couch, I actually felt suitably rested; a small vein pulsed in the back of my head though, Hunter was leaving today.

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