The Flower and the Pearl

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"You let that kid escape. That is a form of treason, and we all know the punishment for treason." Ren shouts, looking at the citizens surrounding him and then staring directly at Mumbo.

"Yeah, i let an innocent kid escape, and you were to have him tortured, my king." Mumbo spits out, his hands bound in chains and tears in his eyes.

"That kid was mutated. He could be a threat to the kingdom and the realm, and now he is free. Are you trying to kill us all?" Doc asks, walking up to Mumbo and looking down at the angered, smaller man.

"He is a kid! And forgive me, but i don't think you should be speaking about this. You're just as mutated as that boy is, as is our king!" Mumbo shouts into Doc's face and shoots a glare at Ren.

He looks around to see the people around him with confused looks on their faces, clearly unable to tell who the bad guy is in this situation.

Neither Ren nor Doc have a clue what to say next. They look at each other, shocked before Doc retreats from his interrogation.

Cub walks forward with a grin on his face before he squats down next to Mumbo, leaning in close to his ear before whispering, "This is the last day of your life, I'll make sure of it."

He stands up again as Mumbo tries to lunge at him, being caught by the chains binding him to the ground.

"Mumbo, you are accused of helping that kid escape by missing your shot intentionally, a crime you have confessed to, but what about the crimes you have not?" Cub turns with a smirk on his face.

"What are you talking about?" Mumbo asks, shaking his head and seeing the others as confused as he.

"There were guards found at the gate of the castle. Someone killed them so the boy could flee. My question is, did you order them killed?" He asks with a look of excitement on his face.

"No, i have no idea who did, but leave me out of it!" He shouts with a slight laugh in his voice.

"This was found in the puddle of blood from the guards, recognise it?" Cub questions holding a blood-stained gold coin close to Mumbo's face.

"No, I've never seen it in my life. If you ask me, it looks like one of yours." Mumbo chuckles as Cub spins round to the king.

"It is the same type of gold coin that has been used to pull the strings of the entire kingdom, to nearly kill Mumbo, nearly, maybe that was intentional, maybe he told his assasin to miss, maybe he wrote the letter he showed us himself, maybe he started the war, he has significantly grown in position since it begun, maybe he is the traitor we have all been looking for." Cub spits out accusations after accusations, silencing the crowd and the judges alike.

"These are some serious allegations, Cub. i hope you know what you are saying." Bdubs says, rolling eyes.

They all look beyond Mumbo as the gates open behind them, three men in horses riding through next to each other.

"Who is that?" Ren asks, sitting up in his chair to try to see as the three ride closer to him.

As they approach, a man wearing a familiar black and yellow coat is spotted at one side, but the other two are hard to identify.

"Hypno?" Wels says, steppig forward, seeing them dismount their horses and walk forward.

Doc steps forward, "Is that, Xisuma!" He shouts in shock as he watches a ghost climb the steps towards them as whispers are thrown around the crowd.

"Impulse." Bdubs says boldly, watching his brother's killer walking towards him.

Ren climbs off of his chair to greet the returning men, "Hypno, Impulse, and Xisuma? It's great to see you." He says nervously, looking at Xisuma.

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