Chapter 2

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

This was a nightmare, Hermione was convinced. It had to be. Any moment now she would wake up.

But with her track record, she shouldn't be surprised that Ron would bump into her right after she had sex with his arch-nemesis.

Ron's eyes widened and he stared in shock at Malfoy and her.

Her face was burning with embarrassment and to make matters worse, she could feel Draco's semen pool in her panties. As if she needed a reminder of what they had just done.

Handing her the bag, Draco leaned against the wall with one shoulder, elegantly crossing one leg over the other. "Weasley. Didn't know they let you out this late." He kept adjusting his shirt, making it abundantly clear what had just transpired.

Ron's face went bright red, his hands balled into fists. He looked like he was about to explode.

"Are you having me on?" Ron turned to her with absolute disgust. "You're whoring yourself out for Malfoy now?"

Next to her, she noticed Malfoy's posture change. Something dangerous was unfurling. Ron seemed oblivious, his angry red face staring at her with accusation.

The intent of how a word was being used, she realized, changed its meaning dramatically. Draco had called her a slut. But he had said it with lust and something akin to adoration. When Ron called her a whore, it was disgust she saw in his eyes.

"It's none of your business, Ron." She never felt smaller. He was always judging her and apparently, she was never good enough. Didn't heal from the trauma of the war fast enough. He had moved on from the loss and horrors and she hadn't. As if it was a competition. Damaged goods. That's how he made her feel.

"What's your excuse this time?" Ron asked with fury and hate in his voice. "Trauma made you spread your legs for Malfoy?"

"Careful, Weasley." Draco's voice was cold and simmered with something dangerous.

Ron squared his shoulders and just now she realized how much smaller he was in statue to Draco. Ron was bulky, but Draco was much taller. "Why don't you fuck off, Malfoy, since this is between me and my girlfriend."

"Ex-girlfriend," Draco corrected.

Ron's eyes snapped to her. "You told him?"

Was he being serious? He had ended it a week ago and now she was supposed to keep it a secret?

But she knew this wasn't about her moving on. The endless rivalry between Ron and Draco goes back years. This was like lighting a fuse to it. She was well aware.

"What did you expect, Ron?" She asked with a sigh.

"I didn't expect you to become a Slytherin slut. What, are you getting passed around the common room now?"

Draco's fist hit Ron's jaw so hard, he stumbled back, almost falling over.

"I've wanted to do that for years," Draco exhaled. "Thank you for proving you're still an absolute piece of shit."

Ron pulled out his wand and Hermione screamed. A fistfight was one thing. A magical fight is quite another.


But before Ron could get the spell out, Draco punched him in the throat and he choked, falling to his knees.

Draco grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up. "If you ever pull your fucking wand on me again, I will embed it in your brain, you hear me?"

Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_darkWhere stories live. Discover now