Chapter 39

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

Were they Snatchers or just muggles hired to deliver her to someone who was going to apparate her to Bellatrix?

She didn't have her wand since she was in muggle London.

The two men slowly walked closer to her. She was about to try to run when the door opened. Draco stood there, his expensive coat draped over his arm. He was dressed like someone who was just about to attend a classical concert but his face told a different story.

"Gentlemen," he said with a sharp smile that could cut, "where are your manners?"

Draco was taller than the men but they were much bulkier. Hired muscle and all that.

"This is the twat they warned us about?" One of them asked the other. "Little toff boy. Time to run back to daddy."

They laughed and Draco joined in. A cold laugh that made her instantly tense. She knew how lethal he was with a wand but this would be a fist fight. She had seen him in a fight with Ron—but that was Ron. These guys were doing this for a living and she had no idea how Draco would shape up against them. Just looking at them, an outsider would surely bet on the two guys with neck tattoos.

But there was always something shimmering in Draco's eyes that suggested a deeper set of rage. They had turned dark mercury again. Almost black. He hadn't even looked at her and she was sure he was using occlumency—pushing all other emotions aside so one of them could shine brightest: Rage.

"Make you a deal," one of the men said to Draco. "We'll take your little girlfriend here and walk out that door. You'll let us because we both know your life ain't worth that pussy."

Draco smiled widely until teeth were showing. "Put your hands on her and you'll regret it," he said with a chuckle, making the warning even more dangerous sounding.

The men laughed and shook their heads.

One of them took her arm. "I think—"

Everything happened in rapid succession. Draco punched one guy so hard in his throat, he choked and collapsed to the ground. The other let Hermione go and swung at Draco, who was quicker and dodged his attempt. He grabbed him by the face and smashed his head against the mirror. The guy fought back, punching Draco in the kidneys but he didn't stop. He slammed his head against the mirror over and over again until it shattered. Blood was spraying everywhere and then his body slumped.

Hermione was sure he was dead but Draco didn't stop until part of his head had caved in. She closed her eyes but heard the continued thud of the guy's head getting smashed in further. He was clearly long dead. Perhaps Draco wouldn't have let that slow him down either was it not for the second guy getting back up off the floor.

The guy put Draco in a chokehold. Draco bent his knees, grabbed the guy's arm, and dropped him over his shoulder to the ground. Still dazed, the guy didn't have time to get back up as Draco kicked him in the head.

Hermione thought this was when they would leave but Draco wasn't done. He grabbed the guy by his collar and dragged him over to the open bathroom stall, pushing his head under water, knees digging into his back. The man was still fighting but his movements were already less coordinated than before. Draco lifted his head for a second and he gasped for air before he pushed him underwater again. Arms and legs flailing aimlessly.

Draco pulled his face up once more as he was spitting out water.

"You know what makes me angriest?" Draco asked in a voice that chilled her to the bone. "You just ruined my favorite suit."

Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_darkWhere stories live. Discover now