Chapter 8

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!
Hermione had barely gotten any sleep. Nightmares had woken her up again. Was Ron right? Was she damaged? None of them seemed to be plagued with nightmares. Was something wrong with her? Why couldn't she get over the past?

She went back to self-isolation since she didn't want to walk into the great hall where Ron was going to sit with Ginny and Harry. If push came to shove, Ron was more important to them than her. She didn't blame them. It was Ginny's brother and Harry had always relied more heavily on Ron. She was expendable. Rationally she understood it. But it didn't make it hurt any less.

A scroll appeared on her desk and she already knew who it was from, given the green silk bow with an M on it.

Got the ingredients. Meet me at the same spot at 10 p.m.


P.S.: This was obviously written with a magical quill. See how much better they are?

She rolled her eyes and grabbed her wand, saying a quick spell and making her muggle pen disappear. With a grin, she was wondering where Malfoy was right now when her pen hit him in the head.

Seconds later, another scroll arrived.

A rather aggressive response to an academic discussion but I can see how you ran out of arguments and had to resort to violence.


She grabbed her magical ink and wrote a response to him.

I understand the art of a muggle pen is lost on you. There are many reasons why a muggle pen is superior, of which I shall only name one: It irks you. And so, with deepest sympathy for your lack of understanding of anything muggle, I shall sign my name with the cheapest pens of them all.


Granger .

The magical scroll actually groaned under her muggle pen which made her giggle even more. Oh, this would certainly annoy him. Had anyone ever dared to use a muggle pen on magical paper before?

The next scroll appeared almost instantly.

Muggle pen on scroll? Granger, you wound me.


He was funny, she gave him that. In an annoying, aristocratic, pureblood sort of way.

She didn't want to leave her room but it was way past lunchtime and her stomach grumbled. Hopefully, the cafeteria was going to be empty. The second she stepped in, she saw Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Maureen sitting at the table together. They were chatting and laughing. It was like she had been replaced with a better, prettier version. One that wasn't damaged. One that wasn't a burden to her friends.

As if she had seen a ghost, she stumbled back out of the room, bumping into someone before making her way back to her room, which she didn't leave until it was time to meet Malfoy. She had found an old granola bar that would have to do for today. Instead of thinking of her friends and how she was no longer a part of the group, she focused on research. There was something so calming about academia. Her brain could shut out all the rest.

Hobson's body was fortunately no longer in the room. It was odd enough to work with Malfoy sitting close to her.

Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_darkWhere stories live. Discover now