Chapter 38

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

Harry stared at the ground where Scrimgeour's body and Voldemort's broken wand were. Hermione had just told him everything. About Malfoy's permanent imperius curse. Scrimgeour's plan to implant the curse on other former Death Eaters and create his own army. How he threatened Hermione's life, how he had suggested he would Draco force to kill her. She hadn't even told Draco that and she wasn't sure she ever would. The thought still made her sick to her stomach.

Harry was quiet and she didn't blame him.

"I know it's a lot to process," she said.

"Sorry, one more time, when did you learn that Scrimgeour had the wand?"

That's the part she felt bad about. She knew Harry had feared the wand was still out there and she hadn't told him.

"I know I should have come to you sooner. It's just that, you were so close to him."

Harry looked hurt because he knew it meant she hadn't fully trusted him. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of this." He crouched down, staring at the body closer. "What exactly happened to him?"

"I used Voldemort's wand and...things got away from me."

He didn't say anything to that but Hermione was sure she could see the disapproval in his eyes.

"Alright, so the question is how are we going to explain all of this?" He asked.

At that moment, Snape apparated into the room. He looked down at the broken wand and back at Hermione. She wasn't sure if that was his way of saying 'well done' or 'you idiot' because his face was stoic. 

"We tell them exactly what happened, Mister Potter. Hiding the Dark Lord's wand is a grave crime. Attempting to create an army of former Death Eaters against their will is certainly another. You will be interrogated, Miss Granger. Your statement is going to suffice, I am certain."

"You think they're going to take my word for it?"

Snape stared at her while Harry cleared his throat.

"Mione, it's not like in a muggle police investigation. It's not done through talking. They're using legilimency to search your memories."


"Since you're exceptionally bad at occlumency, I shall search your memories, so other Aurors won't see any memories they're not looking for."

She blushed, remembering the last time Snape had looked through her memories. The first image that popped up had been Draco pushing her against the bookcase at the library.

"I have already asked for an emergency meeting as we have to find a replacement for Mister Scrimgeour," Snape said. "We have to prepare against a fight with Bellatrix and cannot show any weakness."

Harry nodded. "What do you need me to do?"

"As the chosen one," he always said that term with a sneer, "you should be the public face. Give an interview to the Daily Prophet and tell them what happened."

"Should I talk about Malfoy?" He asked.

"Yes," Hermione answered.

"No," Snape said almost at the same time.

"I would have been dead if it wasn't for him," Hermione protested.

Snape almost rolled his eyes at her. "Yes, Miss Granger, I am more than aware of how often you needed saving. This is about the message to the public. The Malfoy name, as you certainly must be aware, is not in great standing. If his name is mentioned in connection with the assassination of the Minister of Magic, I fear it would complicate matters. Instead, our story is that he had nothing to do with the uncovering and destruction of the wand. Nor with the killing of Scrimgeour."

Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_darkWhere stories live. Discover now