Chapter 34

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

"I know you've said you'd kill Bellatrix willingly," Scrimgeour said as he sat down. "Apologies that I can't take your word for it, especially since this is your family we're talking about. I'm guessing I have you to thank for the disappearance of the Relic of Death?"

Scrimgeour stared down at Draco who remained on his knees, head bowed in agony. She saw his chest rise with rapid breaths.

"If you hadn't and I had my army of Death Eaters now, I wouldn't have to use you constantly. But here we are."

He had activated the runes but not the full curse yet, keeping Draco in suspended torture.

"Off you go," Scrimgeour said as he flicked his wand and Draco's body seized as the spell fully activated.

Hermione clasped her hands over her mouth, fighting tears.

As the tremors through his body finally stopped, he stood tall in a mechanical manner. Face vacant. He was no longer in charge. Scrimgeour was. Without another word, Draco turned and walked out the door.

Hermione swallowed tears and waited for Scrimgeour to leave before she followed, making her way to the Floo network.

Her plan was clear in her mind. She wanted to destroy Voldemort's wand first. Free Draco and then he could focus on Bellatrix instead of slowly dying by being sent on Death Eater assassination journeys.

She had to gain Scrimgeour's trust and she knew just the way to do that.


Hermione wanted to shield her eyes from the flashing camera lights but that would have defeated the point of having her picture taken. She tried to smile—softly yet demurely like Pansy had taught her. Standing next to Ron and Harry, she pretended to be the Hermione Granger of old. The Golden Trio. Reporters shouted questions and it seemed hard to focus on what they were saying.

She had barely slept, given that her nightmare came back just as vicious as before. When she woke, in the middle of the night, Draco had still not returned. After that, she couldn't sleep at all. Now she stood there, smiling for the cameras. Smiling to uphold an image the Ministry wanted to uphold.

Harry answered most of the questions, which she was thankful for but then one was directed at her.

"Hermione, what was it like being face to face with Bellatrix Lestrange again?"

She had been prepared by the Ministry's team for this question. "It was certainly shocking. We all believed her to be dead. But I'm confident in the Ministry's team to put an end to her madness soon."

"Harry," another reporter shouted. "Are you part of the defense planning?"

"Yes, I'm going out on a mission to find Bellatrix right after we're done with this interview. Rest assured, everything that can be done to find her is being done."

"Are you working together again?" Another reporter asked.

Ron took that question. "We've never stopped working together. We're very close friends and we know that we can count on one another."

His hand went around Hermione's shoulder as he pulled her closer and she struggled not to recoil.  More flashing lights and she could practically see the headlines.

Scrimgeour walked up to the podium now. "The Ministry is in full control of the situation. We're standing here, a full year after the most powerful wizard in history has been destroyed."

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