Chapter 21

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

They met at the Italian Floo Station. Malfoy had given her no further instructions. His scroll had been to-the-point. She wasn't looking forward to seeing what version of him she'd encounter on this trip. There was the charming Draco Malfoy. The arrogant one. The joking one. But she'd imagine she'd find the cold Malfoy.

When he arrived, seconds after her, right on time, her suspicion was confirmed.

He didn't greet her as he waited by one of the Floo networks.

"Where are we going?" She asked as she stepped next to him.

No answer as the lights turned green and they were gone in one moment and reappeared in a fireplace of a house in the next moment.

Malfoy stepped out in large steps. "I hope the guest room will be to your satisfaction."

"Guest room? Is this your home?"

"I certainly hope so."

"Stupid for me to assume one ostensibly large mansion was enough for a pureblood."

"Wait until you find out about the other eight Malfoy estates across the world."

The house was very different from the Manor. Light wooden flooring, large ceilings, and lots of warm Italian sunlight flooding inside.

When they made it to the guest room, she placed her small suitcase down and looked around. Unsurprisingly, it was larger than any room she had ever occupied.

"This is the guest room?" But he was no longer in the room to answer that question.

The house might be warmer than the Manor, but Malfoy himself had cooled by several degrees.

He had told her to be ready by 8 pm sharp and dressed in black. When she walked out into the living room, dressed in her favorite black dress, his eyes narrowed.

"What is that?"

He himself looked as sharp as ever in a black three-piece suit with black robes. His shoes were polished. Probably dragon hide.

"A black dress, as specified."

He sighed. "Merlin help me. Granger, we're going to have to fit in with some of the wealthiest people in the wizarding world."

"Well, I'm not rich."

"Evidently. I was worried about your disastrous fashion taste and have asked Pansy for some dresses. You'll find them in your closet."

"You could have told me that before."

"I could have and yet it is arguably more entertaining to see what you would have picked on your own. Apparently, a black summer dress made out of, what...cotton...was your choice?"

He said 'cotton' as if it was a dirty word. She shook her head. "We can't all be always dressed like a bloody mafia boss."

His brows furrowed. "What's a mafia boss?" 

She forgot that his knowledge of the muggle world was very limited.

Before she could answer he continued. "I'm guessing it means someone who is always impeccably dressed, mostly in dark colors?"

Suddenly it didn't feel like a good insult anymore. "I'll get changed."

"A wise decision."

She went with the least-revealing one which still didn't seem to have enough fabric for Hermione's taste. The slit on the right meant her entire leg was bare. Made out of silk and lace at the back, the dress felt more expensive than her entire wardrobe. At least her black robes were covering her scar. She felt naked with it exposed.

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