Chapter 31

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

She checked her watch again. It was 8:58 a.m. The sign outside the small potion shop in Hogsmeade stated it would open at 9 a.m. sharp. Hermione tapped her finger nervously against her elbow.

Last night, right before he left her room, Dom had said to her: "Oh, and I don't mean to assume anything but..." He had trailed off as he awkwardly scratched his head.


"Just to be clear—the potion shields against all spells."

"I know. That's the point."

He cleared his throat. "Right. So, again I'm not trying to assume what may or may not have happened when you went to Malfoy's, but the potion also shields against contraceptive charms."


So, here she was—waiting for the potion shop to open so she could buy the magical equivalent of Plan B. Her hope was that this early in the morning, nobody would spot her at the store.

She saw the elderly shopkeeper turn on the lights, slowly walking from one corner to the next. She checked her watch again. 9:01. Nervously, she bit her lower lip.

Right next door was a newspaper stand. On the front page was an old picture of her, Ron, and Harry.

Golden Trio to be reunited at end of war celebration

The thought of that evening made her shudder. She certainly wasn't a poster child for anything.

Finally, the door opened.

"Good morning," the potion shopkeeper greeted her.


"What can I help you with?" She asked as she walked back behind the counter.

This was her first time having to ask for contraception. She probably could have made the potion herself but she didn't want to risk getting it wrong.

"I need the morning-after potion."

She was thankful to be the only person in the store.

"Coming right up," she said, walking to the apothecary and taking a vial out of the drawer. "Drink it within 24 hours of having intercourse and make sure to finish the whole vial. Some only take a sip because of its bitter taste."

She nodded, pulling out her purse of coins, and paid her.

Back at Hogwarts she downed the whole thing in one gulp and grimaced at its taste. That was perhaps the worst thing she's ever had.

"Morning-after potion?" Pansy asked, leaning against the wall behind her.

Hermione turned around startled. "I didn't see you there."

"I can smell that shit from here. Awful taste. Don't tell me Malfoy doesn't even have the decency to cast a contraceptive charm."

She didn't want to tell her about Dominic's shield potion. "We forgot."

"Heat of the moment, huh?" Pansy winked and then she threw a copy of the Daily Prophet to her.

Hermione looked at her younger self staring back at her. "Yes, I saw." She cringed. "Not looking forward to it."

"I'm going to help you find an outfit for it."

"Why?" She asked suspiciously.

Pansy crossed her arms over her chest. "Why?" She scoffed. "So you can tell the press you're wearing a Parkinson original, of course."

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