Chapter 29

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

Ginny couldn't stop smirking at her, while Harry awkwardly cleaned his glasses on his shirt for the third time.

"There you go," the waitress said as she placed their food in front of them.

Hermione hadn't said much since the game, mostly because she didn't know what to say. Draco had kissed her in front of everyone. Almost as if he wanted to stake his claim. Nobody at school had talked about that night in the library anymore. Now, it had officially gone from a one-night-stand to...she didn't know how to finish that sentence.

"So," Ginny looked downright giddy. She had been the only one on that field to look at her with joy in her eyes. Harry had looked to the ground. Ron had turned bright red with fury. "I no longer buy the 'there's nothing going on between us' line."

Hermione shoved a forkful of food into her mouth, mostly to avoid having to answer.

"That boy is besotted with you," Ginny continued.

"No, I think he saw it as a dare," Hermione said and that part was true. She had challenged Malfoy by telling him he listened to Snape's rules. Perhaps that was just his way of proving her wrong.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Hermione, a blind man could see that he's into you. Back me up on this." She shoved her elbow into Harry who looked once again so uncomfortable, he might combust.

He cleared his throat. "Yes, very obvious."

She shrugged. "We but that's it."

Harry looked increasingly pale as he stared at his plate of food.

"You've been saying that but this is clearly more than friends with benefits," Ginny countered.

Draco Malfoy wouldn't want to date. There was no scenario in which this would become anything meaningful. "It's Malfoy we're talking about. He is not exactly the relationship-kind-of guy."

"I don't know...the way he looked at you when he walked across that field..." Ginny fanned herself.

Hermione stabbed the fork into her pasta dish absently. "It's just physical."

Ginny sighed and shook her head. "You're delusional." She took a sip of wine before she continued. "Speaking of physical, at least tell me the sex is as good as that kiss looked."

Hermione felt her cheeks flush as she caught her lower lip between her teeth.

"There goes my appetite," Harry said as he pushed the plate of food away from him and Hermione couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't be such a prude," Ginny scolded him.

"Honey, I love you, but if you mention the words 'sex' and 'Malfoy' in the same sentence again, I might have to hex you."

She shrugged. "I'm just saying, Malfoy looks like he can fuck."

Harry took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes as if that made the conversation go away. "Merlin help me."

Ginny laughed and seemed to enjoy making Harry squirm. "Is he...big?"

Harry's face turned ashen. "Ginny!" He yelped in horror and now Hermione had to laugh as well.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic, boy-who-lived," Ginny said as she squeezed his arm.

"If this conversation continues, I'll be the boy-who-died-tragically-at-the-dinner-table."

"Death by having to hear about Malfoy's cock?"

Harry's face fell into his hands and he muffled a scream.

Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_darkWhere stories live. Discover now