Chapter 30

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

Apparently, apparition wasn't possible with Dominic's potion. She would have to tell him to add another side effect to the list. That meant she couldn't now immediately apparate back to Hogwarts. She would have to use the Floo, which was downstairs.

"I'll be leaving," she said flustered.

Draco looked amused. "Well, you apparated straight into my bedroom in the middle of the night. I think I can't ignore that as a sign."

If he knew about the Veritaserum, he would ruthlessly ask her about anything.

"Didn't mean to come here. I'll go now."

But when she tried to make her way past him, his hand gripped the doorframe and he blocked her way out, silver eyes scanning her suspiciously. "Why can't you apparate?"

That was a direct question and she felt the Veritaserum pull on her. "I took a weird potion. Side effect."

If she answered as short as possible, perhaps she wouldn't say things she shouldn't.

"What potion?"

"Dominic's thesis potion. Apparently, I can't apparate with it."

It had been a while since she'd been on Veritaserum and the way the words forced their way through her was as unpleasant as she remembered it.

"Is that the only side effect?"

"No." She bit her lips and held her breath to keep her from saying any more.

His eyes narrowed. "What are the other side effects?"

Telling the truth. The words practically burned her tongue and she clasped her hands over her mouth before she would say them out loud. But apparently, that gave her away because his grin widened.

"Oh, I see," he chuckled and closed the distance between them. His hands were on her wrists, and he pulled her arms to her sides. "Did you take Veritaserum?"

The word just appeared. She couldn't stop it. "Yes. So, if you're a gentleman, you'll let me leave now."

A wolfish grin spread on his face. "Good thing then, that we all know I'm anything but a gentleman. Let's start easy—what did the Weasel say to you yesterday that made you run for the hills?"

"He talked about the photo-op the three of us have to do for the anniversary of the end of the war."

"Scrimgeour has you guys do the whole dog-and-pony show, huh?"

"Yeah. I should go."

"What did you do after the game?"

"Went to dinner with Ginny and Harry."

His hands slowly traveled up her arms. "What did you talk about?"

A broad enough question that it allowed her to answer with the non-embarrassing portion of the conversation. "Harry is going to ask Ginny to marry her."

He looked unsurprised by that. "Smartest move Potter's made in a while. What else?" He asked as he stepped even closer, brushing her hair to the side, and exposing her neck.

She tried to think back to boring parts of the conversation but there was no stopping the answer from slipping out. "Ginny asked me about our sex life."

He paused, hand still in her hair, and looked at her with raised eyebrows. Then he started to laugh. "Did she now?"

Hermione wanted to die. "I swear, if you keep asking me questions, I will Avada you."

Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_darkWhere stories live. Discover now