Chapter 9

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!
Although Hermione didn't want to acknowledge it after having walked for 20 minutes through the maze that was the forest on the Malfoy estate: Draco was right. The anger in her felt less potent. Despite her being awful at dueling, shooting hexes had given her an outlet.

When she woke up the next day, her head felt clearer.

The potions room was dimly lit when she entered. She smelled several ingredients from the day's class still in the air.

"Ms. Granger," Snape said with disdain. "To what do I owe the tremendous pleasure of your company."

Hermione pulled out her notebook. "I'm stuck with my blood theory. I need your help."

A sigh left his lungs that sounded almost tortured. "Go on."

She felt oddly nervous. Presenting her failed research to one of the best potions masters felt intimidating. She had hoped to show him her completed research when it actually worked. But she was stuck and needed help. She hoped he wouldn't just laugh in her face and call her stupid.

Flipping her notebook open to her most current research, she placed it in front of him. With his typical blank expression, he read through it and then looked back at her.

"I suppose it's not working?"

She bit her lips together. "No."

"Your first mistake is here." He pointed at one section of her formula. "I understand you wanted to use milk thistle with farrow weed to clear the blood but while farrow weed would have that effect, it would burn off before it could reach the bloodstream due to its interaction with the milk thistle."

"Oh, yes, but only the stems of the farrow weed cause that reaction with milk thistle. I only used the spurs."

He was silent for a beat and then his mouth quirked. "Clever."

For a moment she wished someone else was in the room to witness Severus Snape actually complimenting her. Had it happened? Was this a dream? But Snape had already moved on to the rest of her potion formula. After asking her several questions he finally told her how to fix it.

She could barely wait to try out the new formula tonight. Writing the improvements down in her notebook, she heard a knock on her door.

"You're not allowed to say no," Ginny said with a big grin.

"Am I allowed to know what I'm saying yes to?"

Ginny walked in with a big grin. "Harry and I are taking you to the new pub in Hogsmeade. They just opened two days ago."

She had fond memories of Hogsmeade. Returning there after all that heartbreak seemed like a good idea.

When they arrived, everything was just like she remembered it. They browsed the collection at Dogweed and Deathcab, looked for the latest and greatest wands at Ollivanders, and looked for books at Tomes and Scrolls. It felt like things had gone back to normal. Harry didn't stare at her with concerned eyes; didn't treat her like she was made out of glass and was about to break into a million pieces.

The new pub was cozy with dark wooden benches and candles everywhere.

"Check out the best part," Harry said excitedly as they walked outside. "It comes with a beer garden."

Tables and benches were set up under tall trees and floating lights.

"You guys take a seat," Harry said. "I'll get us something to drink."

Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_darkWhere stories live. Discover now