Chapter 27

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

Nott was next to Draco within seconds. "Malfoy, mate, can you hear me?"

Draco looked so pale, he seemed almost translucent. His hair was sticking to his forehead. It was hard to tell if he was bleeding since he was covered in his black robes but it didn't take a genius to know he was in agony. He was barely conscious.

"I'm getting Snape," Pansy said and disapparated.

A wise choice given that Draco was drenched in dark magic. It came off him in waves. The smell of it—pepper and musk—permeated the air. Hermione felt that steady beat of panic in her but she tried to focus on her training as a healer. Kneeling down next to him, she felt the coolness of the dark magic instantly surround her. She took his hand, checking his wrist for a pulse. As predicted, it was through the roof, drumming against her fingers viciously. His skin was covered in cold sweat.

Nott shook Draco by his shoulders and he opened his eyes, which were blood-shot and glazed over. "Where am I?" He rasped.

"The Estate. What happened?"


Before he could finish his thought, every muscle in his body seized He bit his teeth together hard, his hand clamping down on hers. The sound he made, a muffled scream behind clenched teeth, was going to stay with her for a lifetime. When he leaned his head back, she saw the artery on his neck pulsate rapidly. During the war, she had seen first-hand what high levels of pain could do to the body. Muscles were able to snap bones. Sometimes the heart would simply give out.

"Zabini, sedate him," she said with panic in her voice.

But right then Draco lost consciousness again. The body's natural way of protecting itself. His hand in hers went limb.

"Give me my wand," she demanded, pointing at her bag on the counter. She didn't care that he didn't want her to cast a diagnostics. He could be mad at her later.

Nott checked Draco's breathing and loosened his tie. When she had her wand in her hand, she pointed it at Draco. She was going to start with a simple diagnostics spell to check for fresh wounds. The purple lights danced over him and indicated he was injured on his chest and stomach.

She moved the robes to the side and felt his black shirt sticky with blood. Before she could treat him, she needed to know what the dark magic was doing to him. She expected that was what caused him this much pain. Lifting her wand again, she was ready to utter the spell when Snape appeared with a loud crack. He stood over them like an angry shadow.

"Out," was his only instruction.

"I can help with—" Hermione began but Snape interrupted her.

"Get. Out. Now."

Nott stood up but Hermione didn't seem to be able to let go of Draco's hand. Snape's dark eyes bore into her. 

She wanted to protest that someone should be here with him but Nott grabbed her and pulled her away from Draco's lifeless body.

With a flick of the wrist, Snape closed the door behind them and she heard it lock. They all stood there in shock.

"Has this ever happened before?" She asked frantically.

Nott shook his head. "I know he's gotten injured during assignments before but he's never apparated half dead to my doorstep. In fact, he's never come to me for help when he's injured. I only ever hear about it afterward."

Hermione leaned her head against the door and was able to hear Snape mutter several spells, though she couldn't make out which ones.

"He's drenched in dark magic," Zabini added. "I haven't seen him use this much since the war."

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