Chapter 47

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

She was reading her old notebook but every so often, her eyes glanced to Malfoy's will on her desk. She didn't want the Manor and his money. There was no way she could accept it though she wasn't sure what to do with it. Donate it to a charity perhaps?

Then her eyes went to the picture of her parents and now it felt even more horrific that she had obliviated them. Made them forget she ever existed.

Her memories weren't coming back. She had to find a distraction so she tried to focus on her research project. Grabbing her notebook, she went to the potion's classroom to talk to Dominic.

When she walked in, she saw him talking to Snape.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" Snape asked.

"I...just had a question."

Snape sighed. "I gathered as much."

"An academic question."

The professor's eyes lit up. "Go on."

She presented her notebook. "I've been working on this potion for my thesis but I obviously forgot everything I did over the last months. I'm trying to make sense of my notes but it's giving me a headache."

"Your thesis potion?" Snape's interest seemed to be piqued. "And what is that exactly?"

"Are you testing my memory, professor?"

"No, you never told me. In fact, you kept it a secret for months."

She had? What was the reason? And should she have not shared her notes with him? "Oh, well, it's a potion to remove my scar."

"An ambitious project."

"I used part of the formula to get Bellatrix's magic out of me."

"I am familiar with that part. It helped us in the murder investigation. How far have you gotten with the potion?"

"I think relatively far but then I was stuck, right here," she opened the last page and pointed at it.

Snape and Dominic leaned in and studied the text.

"Fascinating," Snape said.

Dominic started writing certain equations down, feverishly working on something in his brain. Snape gathered materials and began experimenting. They shared their thoughts openly. Perhaps it was too much of this ingredient? No, it was lacking another. Boiled too hot or with not enough water? For the next ten hours, the three of them were brainstorming. It seemed Dominic and Snape were both equally interested in solving this academic problem.

Then they finally had it. Dominic had taken off his robes by now and rolled up his sleeves but Snape still looked like he had when they began this session.

For years, the scar had been dictating her life. The nightmares were gone since Bellatrix's death but she wanted to remove it for good. Wanted to see her arm again and not be a reminder of one of the worst days of her life.

"Before you try it," Snape said. "I want to remind you of something I said to you. Normally I don't make a habit of repeating myself but I am sure you have no memory of me ever telling you this. What is the most important part of a potion?"

She stared at him blankly, thinking about base potions and ingredients.

"Intent, Miss Granger. So much of our magic is bound to our intentions. Potions most of all. When you follow the recipe we just created, I want you to think about what you actually want."

"I want to remove the scar."

He shook his head. "That's the outcome. What is the cause? What is it you truly want? Why do you need the scar removed?"

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