Chapter 6

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!
The next morning, she woke up to a sharp knock on her door. She dragged herself out of bed, wearing a Gryffindor oversized shirt and shorts, and opened the door.

Snape stood in front of her. "My office. Now."

She nodded and he walked away in big strides. Quickly she got dressed and looked at the time. 6:38 am. The Slytherin boys had complained.

Dressed in full robes, she entered Snape's office. He stood behind his desk and motioned for her to take a seat wordlessly.

When she was seated, he observed her quietly for a moment. Then he spoke with that nasally icy tone she was used to. "It has come to my attention that ten Slytherin boys suffered from a bizarre ailment last night."

She kept her face blank.

"Their lips were sealed shut for almost three hours. Some more so than others. One boy complained of severe stomach pains and...other issues. No potion we have worked against it."

He waited for something, a confession perhaps. She remained quiet.

"Then it resolved itself. I was called in at 3 a.m. to assist. When the boys finally were able to speak again, they said that you were responsible, although they didn't know how."

"How would I be responsible for something like that?"

Pitless black eyes locked on her. "I am giving you an opportunity to come clean now, Ms. Granger. Whatever you did, it is in direct violation of Hogwarts' house rules."

"I didn't do anything. Of course, they would blame a Gryffindor. It's probably some strange potion or drug they passed around in the common room."

Snape didn't move. Not even an eyebrow twitch. "That is your final statement?"

She nodded. Like a cold stab between her eyes, Snape invaded her mind. Her hands grabbed the chair for support. Fuck, she hadn't practiced occlumency in a while. And he was one of the best.

He sliced through her mind with precision. Before she knew what was happening, she saw the vision of Draco pressing her against the wall in the library. Oh God, not that memory. If she was able to feel embarrassment amidst the stabbing pain in her brain, she would have felt mortified. Thankfully Snape seemed equally horrified and jumped away instantly from the memory and moved on to the next.

Ron's angry face. "You're whoring yourself out for Malfoy now?"

A blinding headache was burning through her. Frantically she tried to move memories away from Snape, but he didn't even seem to notice her attempts.

Laughing. Cheering. "Malfoy, my man. Fucking the golden girl? 100 points for Slytherin."

Snape lingered on the first day. The humiliation. The name-calling. Hermione wanted to die. He got to the Ravenclaw party. She had to protect Dominic and Merille. He couldn't know.

Think, Hermione! can't keep memories from experts but you can give them other memories and distract them with that. She gave him the memory of the three boys closing in on her. He stilled, watching as her panic rose.

"Show us how you performed for Malfoy."

Snape was about to withdraw when Malfoy burst into the scene, pushing them off of her. Then Snape moved on.

Her head seemed to be pulsating. Feverishly she tried to keep her potion-making away from him and instead pushed the Slytherin party to the forefront. Her applying lipstick. Then her kissing the very boys who had belittled and demeaned her. Snape was hesitating, clearly uncomfortable with it all but he stayed on the memory and watched her smile as everyone around her started screaming, their mouths sealed shut.

Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_darkWhere stories live. Discover now