Chapter 41

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- NOT MY STORY!! ALL CREDITS TO @slytherin_after_dark ON A03!!

The second they landed in her dorm, he let her go and she almost collapsed against the desk. Nott steadied her.

"Take these off," she nearly screamed, holding her wrists towards him.

Her entire body was trembling violently. Nott spoke several different unlocking spells until one finally worked. The second the bounds were off, she opened the drawer of her desk.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Frantically she searched several drawers until she found the potion she was looking for and downed it.

"Magical replenishing potion?" Nott asked, reading the label. "I think we need to get you to a healer."

She ignored him and grabbed a second bottle. Energy booster. She needed to get her strength back as much as she could. As the earthy-tasting liquid went down her throat, she felt her heart rate increase and her magic strengthen.

Still, in Draco's shirt, she went to her closet and pulled out black pants and a black shirt. When she got changed, Nott turned around quickly.

He cleared his throat. "I know this is a lot to take in but I really think you need to see a healer."

"Don't need a healer," she responded as she was fully dressed, putting her hair in a ponytail.

She still had time to save him. Even though it didn't feel like it. Even though it felt like every second of leaving him with Bellatrix was an eternity.

"Granger, what are you doing?"

She grabbed her potion supply kit and strapped it to her belt. Then she grabbed the spare wand from her closet since she never got around to getting a new one for herself. She saw Draco's black wand right next to it.

"Might as well," she said to herself and took it.

"It's done," Nott said and he seemed close to tears himself. "I know this is fucking shit. Trust me. If anyone had come up with a better plan but nobody did. It's done now. He took an Unbreakable Vow. You can't save him. He made sure of it. All he cared about was saving you."

"Yeah, well that's not all I care about, is it?" She asked with venom in her voice.

She was sick and tired of being saved by Draco when nobody seemed to do the same for him.

"You're going to take me back there and we're going to bring reinforcements."

Nott shook his head. "No, no, no. I swore to him I would keep you safe. I'm not going to break my last promise to one of my best mates."

"That promise was shit. Help me save him instead."

"How? An Unbreakable can only be broken if one of the bound dies and since she is unkillable as long as you're alive, that's not going to happen."

She stared at him long and hard. "I found a way to kill her. Get me to her, I'll do the rest." 

She walked out the door and Nott followed her.

"Would you possibly like to share with me how you suddenly found a way to kill her?" He asked.

"It's a complicated answer and I don't have time for the details but basically our magic is connected and I found a way to untangle it. Where is Harry?"

They marched down the hallway in fast paces. "Their headquarters is in the Great Hall."

Heads turned instantly and then people started to clap when she walked in. Harry's eyes widened in surprise and he ran towards her.

Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_darkWhere stories live. Discover now