chapter one - "I believe you."

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chapter one - "I believe you."

Day 1

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Day 1

"No, do not put me on hold again!" Spencer Halliwell-Yeun yelled over the phone. Her wife, Rory leaned against the kitchen countertop sipping her steaming cup, watching the scene fold out. "Glad to see she's in a good mood." Charlotte remarked, strolling into the kitchen raising her brows at her yelling sister passing her.

"If you think that's bad-" Rory pressed her lips together, setting her mug on the counter. "-you should've seen her when she found out."

Lottie nodded slightly, opening the cabinet and picking her hot pink water bottle out. A color she picked solely to be able to tell which one was hers from the lineup of all her other teammates. Rory knitted her brows watching as she picked up the lid and started screwing it onto the bottle. "You do realize the waters off?" Lottie nodded in reply, "Nat is picking me up, besides there's a fountain on the second floor that's the coldest on the campus."

"How many fucking times–my house is 478! This notice is for 487! What dyslexic workers do you have?" Spencer snapped, waving the bright blue paper around.

Truth-be-told this wasn't the first time their water had been turned off. The first time was because the bill had been a day late. The second was when someone stabbed it with a shovel, insisting their swimming pool had to be deeper. The third time was similar to this, instead they got the street name wrong and turned it off by mistake. The fourth, wasn't a complete turn off instead the water was full of rust and was un-usable.Not like they were drinking the tap water to begin with. But they still couldn't shower, wash clothes or any dishes. This was the fifth time, getting the number wrong and shutting it off without a double check. Naturally the Los Angeles water department wasn't the fondest in the Halliwell-Yeun household.

"Came home, went to take a shower since I was covered in who-knows-what, and the water was out. Spence had to help me hose off in the backyard." Rory explained watching as Lottie was packing a Scooby-Doo lunch box with different snacks and a random lunchable. "Why did someone throw up on you again?" She questioned zipping the box shut.

She rolled her eyes at the memory, or memories. "No, thankfully. But with this whole flu shit going around I wouldn't want to take my chances on it." Rory is a E.R. nurse, has been for the past three years.

Lottie nodded, now pulling her phone from her back jean pocket. Checking to see if Nat was on her way. But it was dead. She huffed, "Great, I forgot to plug it in last night." She said holding up the small phone. "I'll just charge it in Nat's room during practice."

Rory hummed, quickly swallowing the coffee she had taken a sip of, "Why didn't you have it this morning, like usual?"

"First big test is next week. Coach wants us to pass it with flying colors since it's the easiest, and it'll help if we start to slip near the end of the semester." She explained. Lottie Halliwell was a star soccer player, getting a full ride athletic scholarship to UCLA. "Loved the extra two hours tho,"

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