chapter eight - "We're a system and if one of us goes down, we all do."

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chapter eight - "We're a system and if one of us goes down, we all do."

Day 13

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Day 13

"You're doing it wrong." Alicia's head darted up to see Nattillie leaning on the door frame looking down at her. The youngest Clark was sitting on the floor of her old babysitter's room. Trying to keep the sharpie drawn on her forearm at its place. "And if you're going to do your own stick-and-poke you should at least do it right. I mean you really don't want to get that infected. I have and it was bitch," The blonde explained walking up and sitting down in front of her. Holding her hands out gesustere for the Clark to hand over her tools.

Alicia's eyes switched between Nat's hands and her face. "You aren't going to try and tell me mom?"

She pressed her lips together, shaking her head lightly. "Nope, if she asked I was with you but didn't see any of this."

A moment passed, Alicia went through the different questions in her head. But she handed the needle over. Nat scooted her body forwards, moving her knee up and using it as a rest for Alicia's arm. Her fingers were cold but delicate in the way it traced the black ink. Causing small goosebumps to form all over Alicila's body. She was studying her face, the way her breathing slowed. The way her eyes were focused on following her finger. The way her hair was frizzing at the ends and how the smallest bit of brown was showing at her roots. Something she could only see being this close to her. She smelt good, like Lottie, which made sense since she was staying with them. But there was this strong lavender and vanilla mixture that made its way forward. Lavender was an absolute no-go in the Halliwell house since Lottie's migraines and Piper's asthma. It wasn't the normal strong turn your head away the moment it hit you but more like a calming smell that lavender was marketed as.

"Did you draw this?" Her voice broke her out of her trance, she didn't even realize she was in one. Nat had already finished the first line that Alicia could only get half way through. "My boyfriend, Matt."

Her eyes darted up to her. Reading her expression to see what she was about to say next. "I'm sorry,"

Alicia's eyes dropped, she licked her suddenly very dried lips. Feeling a lump start to form in the back of her throat. Nat had gone back to poking the needle in and out of her skin, taking a moment to dip the needle into the ink before going back to the skin. "He had this um...thing. He got a fever, and the last thing I knew about was his parents were coming back."

Nat nodded her head, "And he drew this?"

"Yeah," She smiled softly at the memory of the two of them sitting on the rooftop of the school where had drawn this on her. "He was an artist. I was trying to get him to go into it professionally."

"I take it he didn't want to?"

"No, he saw his art as emotions. He thought about it but couldn't get himself to actually do it."

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