chapter four - "Oh look who decided to return home,"

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chapter four - "Oh look who decided to return home,"

⋆·☆·⋆chapter four - "Oh look who decided to return home,"

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Day 3

Lottie stared down the red solo cup in her hand, the dark liquid in it made her cringe slightly. Her eyes then finally looked back up towards the guy who had handed her the cup. He was smiling at her, which she returned not wanting to upset him. She didn't remember his name but knew he was a part of the frat that was currently hosting this party. She hadn't asked for the drink, instead he just walked up to her and offered it to her. Telling he was trying to find a way to start flirting with her.

"Thanks," She shouted over the music. The loud almost deafening music mixed with the low multi-colored spotlights was for sure going to give her a headache. Gesturing the cup in between the two of them.

"Yeah, yeah. The soccer team doesn't drink but it's a Seigma Pie's house drink." His words were very normal, not a single slur. His breath told her otherwise though. Clearly he had been drinking what Lottie thought had to be Fireball. His words did strike her a bit uneasy. He knew she was a part of the soccer team, which meant he knew at least who she was. Causing her to glance down at the cup it seemed like the red cup was a warning sign. If the red cup could speak it probably would be shouting danger alongside every cell in Lottie's body.

She opened her mouth to speak fully knowing that she had no idea what she was about to say. Luckily though her worry was washed away with relief, feeling an arm lay around her shoulders as the comforting smell of Nattillie's strong perfume filled her nostilers. "Finally found ya," Her eyes flickered from Lottie's face, down to the cup, and towards the guy. Looking him up and down as her head tilted slightly. "Thanks for keeping her company, but I got it from here." She didn't even give him a second to speak before walking the two towards the front door and outside. "God what a weirdo."

"Thank you," Lottie said, pouring the cup into one of the bushes and leaning it on the small porch steps.

"Should've known those asshats would try to get with one of us."

"Not just that, but I swear if I stayed in there any longer I would be bawled up in a corner." She breathed out. Happy that they were both out of the crowded house. Now leaning against the side railing of the left side of the porch outside. Finally getting a moment of fresh air. The party was a classic frat party, so the smell of weed, alcohol, cigarettes, a far too much cologne for any human to be wearing.

Nattillie sipped on the clear liquid in her cup, making a disgusting face before the taste of tequila finally settled down. "God that never goes down easy,"

Lottie scoffed, "Exact reason not to drink tequila."

"Coming from the girl who drinks Jack and Coke," She joked, hitting their shoulders together, causing the two to laugh. She then offered the cup towards Halliwell who took a small sip of it. Her face scrunching up in the same way. Lottie let out a 'ugh' as the aftertaste settled on her tongue. Feeling her phone buzz in her back pocket, reaching for it and pulling it out to see she had just missed a call from her sister. Assuming it was her probably about to chew her ass out for how they left her room. The two had swung by the Halliwell house to throw their stuff there assuming that it would be a better idea to crash at the house instead of Nat's dorm. "Great, let's see what the all mighty Spencer has to say today?" She said, partially joking. She loved her sister, of course she did. She just didn't like the overprotected and overbearing part of her older sister. Something any amount of alcohol would bring out.

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