chapter seven - "I like your face not in the mouth of a bloodthirsty child."

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chapter seven - "I like your face where it is and not in the mouth of a bloodthirsty child."

Day 13

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Day 13

Spencer was watching the coffee drip down into the large well-used coffee pot. Feeling like she was losing her mind watching it. Her body grew angry with every single drip. Her jaw was tightening to the point she was grinding her teeth together. She was more frustrated than angry. Frustrated about staying inside for days. Frustrated that the army was still clearly keeping things from them. Frustrated that they were keeping medicine from them. Frustrated that she can't drive anywhere. Frustrated that she can't drive her family out of this hell and go with her original plan. Frustrated at Madison for them being stuck in this mess to begin with.

But with one simple smell all her worry and anger were quickly shoved to the side. Even through the strong smell of the coffee she could pick out the smell of vanilla and coconut. Rory's perfume wasn't anything unique or expensive smelling. But it fit her. The smell being the first thing you would notice when you were around her. It was the first thing Spencer had talked to her about. Using that sweet smell as a window to talk to a girl she thought was pretty.

The smell moved throughout the house following the soft footsteps with it. Moving from down the staircase and towards the kitchen. The footsteps stopping right next to the oldest. "You're clenching, again."

Spencer pushed her crossed arms off the table. Turning towards her wife, keeping her palm on the countertop to lean on. Their tired eyes met the others, even with the small height differences. "I wanna leave." Her voice was soft and tired.

Rory let out a soft sigh, taking a step and wrapping her arms around her wife's hips. "I know, I do too. But right now, we're safe–" Spencer scoffed with an eye roll, but Rory quickly followed, "Hey, I don't like it either. But it is safer. Piper's foot has healed, now she's barely limping. And because we aren't in the desert she hasn't had an asthma attack, so we are saving her inhalers. This is especially since we have to take care of Nattillie. I know how you feel about the Clark's right now, but we both know Nat and Nick are making Lottie happy."

Spencer looked down between them before looking back towards her, her jaw clenched. "You're right, you're right."

"Unclench your jaw," Rory stated softly grabbing her wife's jaw feeling the tension in the bone. Watching as she took a soft breath in, and when Spencer exhaled, she felt the tension disappear.

Her hand moved back down to her waist, pulling her closer. Which closed the small space between the two causing them to be flesh up one another. "Now, I have to meet Liza to go do our rounds. But once I'm done me and you are going to lay our asses in our bed and watch whatever you want. Okay?" She asked, smiling up at her. Knowing that anytime she smiled at her, Spencer couldn't resist but to smile. And sure enough, the corner of her started to pull upwards returning the loving smile. She nodded her head, letting her arms hang on her shoulders. "Yeah? Okay, good." Rory reached forward and kissed her which Spencer returned, placing her hand on either side of Rory's face. Smiling down at her when they pulled apart.

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