chapter six - "I swear my blood pressure always rises when I'm around a Clark."

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chapter six - "I swear my blood pressure always rises when I'm around a Clark."

Day Four

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Day Four

Nattillie walked into the room, a towel wrapped around herself stepping around the youngest matters on the floor. Who was currently in her room finishing packing. Lottie was fumbling with the radio flipping through the different channels, trying to find something that wasn't just loud static. "Showers all yours," The blonde announced walking over towards the dark brown wooden dresser. Kneeling down the last drawer, where she had kept a small amount of clothes for whenever she stayed over. "And there's nothing but static," Lottie sighed out, turning the radio off and placing it back onto the window seal before giving her a soft smile. "Hope you left me a bit of hot water, my back needs it." The blonde scoffed looking over her shoulder, "Never!" Lottie rolled her eyes playfully as she shut the door behind her.

Walking down the hall and past the open bathroom door. Feeling the hot steamy air as she passed it. Stopping at Piper's room and leaning in the door frame. Watching her hum something softly as she petted Gomez. "Hey, taking a shower." She said softly, not to startle her. She looked up from the floor giving her a soft smile and nodding.

Turning and walking farther down the hall, after hearing rustling in her older sister's room. She leaned into the doorframe seeing her sister-in-law was zipping their two suitcases shut. "Hey, I'm taking a shower,"

Rory's head snapped towards her, she was currently sitting on top of one of the large black suitcases. "Okay, Spenc went to talk to Madison and I'm just trying to finish all this—shit." She gestured to the mess that was the room. Metal clothes hangers were scattered around the bed. Her bed was a mess, the covers were thrown to the side as it was clear that she was using the bed as a table for both the suitcases. Panting as she struggled to zip the case under her. "If you need help Nat is free," She pointed and Rory gave her a look. Her attention turned to pulling the strand of hair that sticked her glossed lips, "Since the powers out the only coffee we have is in the fridge. But we have plenty of grounds and whatnot." Lottie smiled, giving a small nod. "Oh, and both of yours and Pippy's meds are in my purse!" She shouted after her sister-in-law.

Now she was walking towards the hot steamy room. Shutting and locking the door behind her, leaning against the door and letting out a heavy sigh. Her body was screaming with soreness and aches. Glancing in the mirror to see her tired face and matching dark bags under her eyes. This was the first moment she had to herself. No sisters, no Nattillie, no Clarks.

Her throat felt tight as she was slowly choking on the hot steamy air. Sitting on the floor of the porcelain white tub felt like the best thing she had done in the past four days. Her thighs and calf muscles screamed having been pushed to their limits the previous night. Her heels and pads of her feet could barely handle the small amount of pressure she was putting on them. This was just to keep herself sitting and not laid out completely. The sound of the water running down from the shower head echoed through her mind. The echoing being the painful part, the sound of the falling water droplets hitting the porcelain. Her head was beyond hurting, it felt like someone was taking a small hammer and knocking the thickness of her skull down. Her mirgines weren't new, which meant she was able to do two things. One being to distract herself from the pain. And the second thing being how well she could hide just how bad her head would hurt.

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