chapter five - "She's not sick."

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chapter five - "She's not sick."

Day 3

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Day 3

Lottie knuckles were white matching Nat's, who had a death grip on her hand. Lottie was leading the two down the streets. Their clothes were drenched in water but some of the dirt, blood, and random color dust bombs refused to move. Staining them forever. Hoping to get a moment of rest behind a dumpster, not only to catch their breaths but to get their thoughts in order. Confused on what was happening. They had walked in on a standoff of people vs riot police. Getting so bad that they called in the fire department and started to spray the ones that were climbing builds, throwing things, or just to close. The two were a part of the unlucky batch that got drenched. That was when Lottie had declared that they were getting the hell out of there.

Weaving their way in and out of the different crowds, getting a small bit of tear gas stinging here and there. But powering through it to get to the gallery. The gallery was the one place Lottie knew was close and they could regroup on where they were.

But stopping in their tracks when they saw the building.

The front glass windows where all smashed into tiny pieces. The front door was barely hanging on its hinges. Different canvas scattered around the scene, each covered with multi-colored spray paint hiding the original art. Alongside some that was clearly had a knife taken to them. Statues were smashed into some type of insane 3-D puzzle. But there was something no one was paying barely any attention to. The sight caused Nat to let a scream out covering her mouth, fighting the urge to puke. While Lottie's eyes widened feeling every single muscle in her being tighten. Not hearing anything going on around her, only hearing Nick's story over and over. As if each word was echoing through her mind, in a 'I told you so' kinda way. A strip of the bottom part of the glass where the most eye catching canvas where places. A way for people to want to come in and see what else the gallery housed. The glass was jagged looking like a horrific valley of mountains. Bright red liquid had dripped down and was pooling onto the sidewalk. Staining it forever. Lottie's eyes slowly followed the path of the blood up to where it had came from. There was a younger woman, Rory's and Spencer's age, spared through her chest. Having the tip of the glass poking out through the other side of her. From the amount of blood that was surrounding her she should be dead, she had to be dead.

But she wasn't.

Her arms reached outwards trying to grab at whatever she could. With each swipe she would snarl and champ as if trying to bite them. It was very confusing to Lottie. Everything about this woman scream she was dead. The amount of blood loss, where she was clearly pushed into and landed on the glass, and not to mention how insanely pale she looked. She was moving like a normal person. Sure, she wasn't exactly talking, but maybe her lungs were punctured causing her to only let out noises. But her eyes. Those weren't human.

So, the two cut into the alleyway ducking be hide one of the dumpsters. Finally calling her sister, her voice being one of the only ones that could calm her manic mind. But that also didn't last. A bule mailbox came flying and landing into the dumpster causing the two to flee the scene. Nat taking one last look and seeing an arm twitching hanging out of dumpster. 

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