chapter thirteen - "Nattillie can you zip me up?"

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chapter thirteen- "Nattillie can you zip me up?"

⋆·☆·⋆chapter thirteen- "Nattillie can you zip me up?"

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Day 15

The two sat at the table side-by-side, not saying a word to one another. Both having a mug of iced coffee that Nat had made for the both of them. The two hadn't said a word to the other after Spencer and Rory left. It was strange for neither one of them to just let a problem like this hang in the air. Usually, the two would talk about whatever it was that bothered one another. But it wasn't anything to this extreme. Nat looked over to Lottie, only for a moment feeling her stomach turn and then looked back to her mug. Using her finger to trace a circle around the rim of the cup. But she quickly stopped after her rings started to make a loud high pitch scratching noise when it met the ceramic. She took this as a sign to just go ahead and bite the bullet. "Are you okay?"

Lottie looked down at her hand, seeing the band-aids wrapped around each of her knuckles. The stinging had luckily died down into more of a dull throbbing. She could feel like her heartbeat beating in each of the veins that were housed in her fingers. Her other hand was propping up under her chin as a rest for her head. "Yeah it stopped hurting..." She trailed off knowing that wasn't at all what the blonde was talking about. She brought the mug up her lips taking a long sip of the cold drink before placing it back onto the table. Pressing her lips together and letting out a soft hum before actually answering her question. "I, um, I'm fine now. The anger is still there but it's like calmed. I mean, of course I can still switch it on but the blind rage has calmed down." She explained, finally looking up towards Nat who's head was drooping. "Are you okay?"

Nattillie could only lick her dry top and bottom lips. Trying desperately to distract herself from the lump forming in the middle of her throat. Or how her bottom lip was trying to quiver. Her eyes were already watery and threatening to start to let the tears roll down her cheek. And they won. Feeling the tight stinging pain as she could feel her cheeks, nose, and forehead start to heat up. While different wet trails left their mark down from the corner of her eyes, down her cheeks and dripping from her chain. "No–no, I, um, I'm not." The shakiness in her voice concerned Lottie. Nat slowly looked over towards her right and let out a small sniffle, whipping her nose with the back of her hand. Her bottom lip quivering softly as she spoke. "I am so sorry Charlotte."

The Halliwell's brows frowned in confusion. If anyone should be apologizing it should be her. She's the one who had to be dragged away from throwing shit at the guards. She's the one who had to have Rory wrap her knuckles because she was the idiot who thought it was a good idea to slam her fist into a chain-linked fence. If anything she should be thanking Nat for still thinking Lottie wasn't completely out of her mind. "Nat what are you–?"

"I should've never brought her down there. If we just stayed upstairs, like we should have been, maybe she would still be here. I should have done something." Lottie placed her hand onto Nat's. Feeling the cold metal of her rings, and the shakiness of them. Hating the fact that she didn't know that she was blaming herself this entire time. "It wasn't your fault Nattillie." Nat's tearful eyes were now looking at her, causing Lot's eyes to start to water. "They were going to take her and there wasn't anything any of us could've done. Rory and Spencer are gunna come up with a plan to get her back and we're getting the fuck out of here." Nattillie opened her mouth to say something but nothing ever actually came out.

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