chapter two - "Piper's sugar cookies?"

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chapter two - "Piper's sugar cookies?"

⋆·☆·⋆chapter two - "Piper's sugar cookies?"

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Day 2

The morning came early. Madison smiled at the two, thinking back to when she would find them asleep when they were younger...more innocent. Nick was asleep, his bed was completely laid down and his head bent down towards his left. The side Lottie had scooted her chair up against the metal iv pole letting her crossed arms lay by his hips as she used it to rest her head. Her legs crossed over each other and tucked up into her body.

Glancing over at the small rolling table she saw the Halliwell's silver laptop open facing the two. It was covered in different stickers, ranging from known Disney princes and princesses to cute black and white drawings of strange black eyed creatures. On either side of it were the giant cups with the white bendy straws. Usually used for water, but the familiar light beige liquid in them would catch anyone's attention. The one closer to Lottie was almost empty. Making Madison fully understand that it was the magical hospital coffee that Lottie had came up with. The normal coffee was bitter and steaming hot, something to keep people awake instead of actually enjoying. So, she took the giant bottles, filled them up with ice, then the coffee, then more ice, and topped it off with cream and sugar. Sure it was a bit strange to see her make this. The looks she would get from older nurses told her that. But, it was enjoyable. It was more of a sweet treat that helped keep Nick's mind off going through withdrawals, and to keep Lottie awake.

The blonde lightly shook the black hair's shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open, shutting once again at the blinding light. "Ugh, what time is it?"

"Almost five-thirty." She answered with a soft smile.

She knew her stress was at its perk. But without both Travis and Lottie, there would be no telling how high it would be. Having the safety and security of having someone with him (especially since he was still restrained) made it easier to do her job.

Lottie leaned back in chair, rolling her shoulders back before stretching them upwards. Catching a whiff of the grass-sweat-hospital mixture coming off her. Making a gross face before quickly putting her arms back down, cursing herself for not showering in the dorms. Or at least changing from her practice clothes.

Madison took a seat by Nick's side, who was half asleep. Both watching as she was packing up the few things she had out. The silences between them wasn't strange or uncomfortable, but instead the early time barely allowed any of their brains to work. Taking the black claw clip and using it to clip her hair up. "Do you really have to leave? They'd be nicer to me if they knew you're here." He mumbled as she gave him a soft smile shaking her head. "They're nice because of my sister." She stated.

She checked her phone, making sure it was fully charged. And saw Nat had texted her she was on her way. Shoving it back into the front pocket of her backpack. "Besides, we both know what Spence will do if I'm not there tonight."

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