chapter fourteen - "One piece, nothing more, nothing less."

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chapter fourteen - "One piece, nothing more, nothing less."

Day 15

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Day 15

The walk down the isolated dead street caused each of the girls to look at one another. Obviously, each of them was picking up on what was off, but not able to exactly put their finger on what it was. The chill only added onto each of their uneasiness, having had to put on clothes to fit the warm weather and not for the suddenly chill night.


It had only been a few hours that they had spent at the abandoned house, but when they left the sun was already down. Clearly far past curfew. Of course, they've been out during curfews a few times already, but it was absolutely dead. That was until Alicia grabbed onto Nattillie's arm and started dragging her behind a large van parked in a driveway. The blonde had hooked her arm through Lottie's the moment Alicia grabbed her's. Leaving Chris, who had become a deer in headlights. More like a moth. Especially the way his eyes were in like a trance on the upcoming vehicle. Like a moth drawn to a hanging buzz zapper.

Alicia was quick to yank him back with them, but he swatted her hand away. "Whoa, whoa, what are you doing? Get back–"

"They're not patrolling,"

At his words Lottie pushed herself up and walked up to his side, their height difference becoming the most oblivious. Watching as another truck passed by them, the large spotlight flashing across the small group. Through Lottie's now spotty vision she could see soldiers riding in the bed of the trucks looking right at each of them before looking away. Some even dropping their heads as if disappointed.

"Something's wrong," Alicia stated.

Nattillie anxiously bit her bottom lip, looking over at Lottie who nodded her head signaling that she was also uncomfortable with what had just happened. The blonde was now twisting her rings around her fingers looking down to where the disappearing trucks were, clearly leaving the Safe Zone, and at Lottie hoping she knew what to do. Which Charlotte did, hooking the blonde's arm and giving a small nod, assuring her on what they would do next. Looking over to Alicia and Chris, "Home now."

No one said anything, barley even blinking an eye before they started towards the two houses. Lottie noted how silent it was. Figured that since it was past curfew Rory and Spencer would be horse by now after screaming for the two to come home. Given the fact that none of their names had been shouted that gave her some sort of assurance to the sick-like feeling in her stomach. If neither one were looking for them then it meant that they had figured something out. The 'thing' was Piper and Nick. She couldn't explain how or even where this feeling had surfaced from. It only filled her now fast jog towards the familiar outline of her house. Glancing over to see both Alicia and Chris were now taken to the right, towards their own.

The two meet a frantic Spencer who was currently packing all of their items back into the truck. "You saw them too?" She asked not even glancing up at them, focused on making sure everything was fitting.

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