chapter sixteen - "Up for a late-night swim? "

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chapter sixteen - "Up for a late-night swim?"

⋆·☆·⋆chapter sixteen - "Up for a late-night swim?"

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Day 17

All five of Lottie's senses were filled. The sound of music could be felt in every part of her body. Her taste buds still lingering the bitter sweet taste of the jack and coke she had finished minutes before. She could smell the intense body spray of the man behind her. As if he had just walked out of an Abercrombie. Feeling his hands roam her hips. He wasn't the ugliest so she didn't mind dancing with him. A plus side was he hadn't said anything frat boy-ect since he had talked to her. Finally her eyes were trained on the kitchen.

The party was the last day of summer bash hosted by one of the frat's at UCLA. She couldn't tell you which one it was. All the Greek letters on the outside all looked the same to her. She just came because Nick told her that there would be drinks. But once she saw that it was Calvin taking them she knew what the actual reason for going was. Instead of letting that ruin her night she pushed that all to the side.

Watching as she started to see the animated expression of some of the frat boys. Her attention turned back the guy, who she was dancing with, hands tail down her thighs. Swiftly putting them back onto her hips. Keeping her eyes on the further room feeling his hands slither further down. Rolling her eyes and turning on her heels to face him, "You're not getting lucky with me." She shouted over the music. Not letting him respond before making her way into the kitchen walking right into the start of a fight.

"The hell is going on?" The attention was fully on her, each watching as joined Calvin's right side since Nick was on his left.

"Don't worry about it hot–"

"I wasn't talking to you." She turned her head towards Calvin who was clearly pissed. "They won't pay up." He answered already knowing the next question to come out of her mouth, "Yes, they know cash first."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest, "How much?"  "$1,000" Her brows raised and let out a whistle, "Whoo, you have him bring out $1,000 worth of drugs and think you'd get by on what? You're great personality?" This clearly only upset the group of six copy and paste frat boys. "He told us a different price." She rolled her eyes at the obvious lie. "Yeah bitch, stay out of this!" Another one piped in. "Careful that bitch bites." Nick added his eyes flicking between the two knowing that Lottie was waiting for her moment to pounce.

"Look," Clavin started holding his hands up, taking control and trying to calm the tension. "Either you pay, doesn't matter who, or we leave. Simple as that."

The blonde frat with the light blue polo one that at the head of the group crossed his arms in front of his chest in a poor attempt of making himself seem bigger. "And if we just take the drugs? I mean there's six of us and only three of you." He gestured towards them. Lottie let out a small laugh stepping up to him, "That would make my fucking night." Nick and Calvin placed a hand on her shoulder pulling her back, "Down girl," Nick remarked glancing over towards Calvin both understanding how this was about to play out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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