chapter ten- "And none of that makes you weak, it makes you human."

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chapter ten - "And none of that makes you weak, it makes you human."

Day 14

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Day 14

Piper held her hand up over her eyes trying to shield them from the sun. Her still having to squint against the blinding light. "I take it you aren't afraid of heights?" She shouted up towards Chris who was sitting on the roof of his house.

His head snapped down from his camera down to the youngest who was smiling up at him. Watching as she took a few steps closer so the whole neighborhood wouldn't hear their conversation. Adjust the straps of the backpack, having had to switch to using her own after her sister's late-night run. "Whatcha watching?" She nodded her head towards the camera.

He pressed his lips together, not wanting to go through the same dismissal of his theories. "It's nothing."

"Must be something if you're always glued to it." She walked over to the truck, seeing that was the way to get up there. Setting the backpack down in the bed before pushing herself up to it. Noting how each step she took closer to him, caused the old rusty truck to squeak and shake. "I mean, if I didn't know any better, I would say you were spying on people." His cheeks quickly flushed as he started to stutter for an explanation. But once he saw that her smile had turned into a wide grin, he realized that she wasn't being serious.

Looking down between both her and the camera as is debating the idea in his mind. Piper wasn't going to push him, if he didn't want to show her what was on it then that was fine. She was just wanting to talk to someone her age. Someone that wasn't going to try and baby her because she was considered the youngest.

When she saw him scooting closer towards the edge, to where his legs were now dangling over the gutter, she herself moved closer to him. "Just promise that you'll watch this fully before you try to disprove it."


Chris held out the screen cupping the sides to try and shield it from the sun. But Piper had to also try to cup it. Seeing that screen showed a building outside of the fence. Almost all of the windows were shut and covered but through a sliver of light you can see the sun bounce off something. "What does that look like to you? Because to me, that's a light." He stressed and she looked up seeing his desperation. "It's something, could–could be a light, yeah." She replied, nodding her head lightly. She wasn't completely sure what it was, but after hearing about what her sister had been seen, nothing was off the table. Chris let out a groan out of fursation, trying to scoot closer towards her, playing the video again. "Yeah, but the light blinked. It blinked in response to my own. I mean, it's gotta be–someone's alive."

Piper's eyes widened at the thought. It was called a Dead Zone for a reason. Granted she thought it was just because they didn't have any power or running water, but now she realized it was meant in a literal sense. "Look, just look at the video again, please." He asked causing Piper to press her lips together. Feeling like she has to agree because if she didn't the only other person, she had her age was Alicia. She loved Alicia, the two had been neighbors since forever. They've always been close, especially since Lottie and Nick are. But Piper would want someone else to talk to. So, she gave in.

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