Arrival at last

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Nene Pov:
After 3 hours we had arrived at the campsite. I took my bag and got off the bus, Mizuki and Ena following behind. I was able to find my luggage in the sea of suitcases, as it had a small teal bow on the handle. Ena didn't have the same luck and took a little longer to find hers. I waited outside the bus for Rui. Even though it had only been an hour and a half and he was right next to me, I missed him. My heart beat sped up for a moment as I saw him hop out of the bus. I helped him find his suitcase before subconsciously grabbing his hand and heading over to mizuki and Ena.

After everyone was out of the bus and had their luggage, the teachers made us sit Criss-cross-apple-sauce on the grass like kindergarteners.
The teachers and camp staff went over all the boring "camp guidelines" and most students were either staring into space or picking at the grass. After an eternity of teachers trying to be enthusiastic while all the students just wanted lunch, the teacher had nearly finished.
Teacher: I'm sure you're all DYING to know who's in your activity groups, so I won't waste any more of your time.
"I kinda just want lunch at the moment but sure" I thought.

Teacher: group a is _____, Group B is ____, group c....
After more time of picking the grass and staring into space, the teacher got to the last group.
Teacher: And finally, Group J is _____, Shinonome Ena, _____, _____Akiyama Mizuki, ______, Kamishiro Rui,_____, _____ and Kusanagi Nene.
The groups had come out way better than I had expected and I could see that Ena, mizuki and Rui were also happy.
Teacher: Thank you for giving us all your attention, you may now sit anywhere in this oval and eat your lunch.

Me, Rui, Mizuki and Ena started walking over to a shady spot by some trees.
M- An! Come join us! You can bring toya and Akito too if you want.
A girl with blue and black hair and two boys came walking towards us.
E- Nene, this is An, the other girl in our dorm.
N- Oh, it's nice to meet you..
An- Its nice to meet you too!

She was so kind and social, I wish I was like her.
I then spotted someone running towards us, kind of like in the bus. Upon inspection, it was easy to tell that he was Tsukasa. I nearly forgot about him.

Ts- why do you keep forgetting about me??
"Who said we left you on accident?" I wanted to say.
R- sorry about that, I just didn't see you is all.
R- Well it doesn't matter now, just come sit down like a civilised human being.
Tsukasa slumped down on the ground like a 6 year old who had just been denied of 50 cents for the gumball machine.
M- it's a shame you couldn't be in our activity group An
E- yeah, now you have to deal with the boys.
An- they can get kinda annoying at times, but if they get out of hand you can just say the word "music" and they'll be back to normal.
Toya- I don't think that's a bad thing..
An- I never said it was a bad thing

We continued to talk to each other until lunch was over.
I had to seperate from Rui as it was time to settle into our dorms. We walked into the room and there were two bunk beds. "I call top bunk!" Exclaimed Mizuki. Naturally, Ena went in the same bunk as mizuki leaving me and An to decide who would sleep where. We settled on having An on the top and me on the bottom. We set up all our stuff and the staff showed us around the campsite. Since it was in the hills, there was a very nice view of the city lights. We then returned to our d9rm and basically just had free time for around two hours to pass the time before dinner.

Sorry for the boring chapter, I'm tired.

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