Obstacle Course (Lacking creativity atm)

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GL- Our next activity is the obstacle course. Again, you will be getting into partners. We will explain each part of the course when we get to them. At the end of each activity, we will declare a first, second and third place. First will get 5 points, second will get 3, third will get 1 and everyone else will get 0. We will be keeping track of your points so don't worry about that.

Mizuki pov:
Ena and I stood behind one of the cones and awaited further instruction.
GL- the first activity is a three legged race. For those who don't know, you will tie one of both your legs to each other and continue like a normal race, just with your legs tied together. This activity requires strategy and skill.
I tied a bow with the rope around Ena and my legs. If we were gonna lose, we were gonna lose in style.
M- Maybe because we're in a music group, we'll have an advantage because of rhythms or something
E- well we don't really actually do much music stuff though..
"On your marks, get set, go." Said the group leader.
Ena and I started off pretty well lifting our legs in sync, but then we started forgetting that this wasn't a normal race, and we were trying to run fast instead of together. It felt like my body was being pulled to the ground like that one gay Luka and miku song (magnet). Luckily I landed on my knees and didn't get hurt to much, but unfortunately Ena wasn't so lucky and landed on her back.
M- Ena! Are you okay!?
E- I-I'm fine, let's just finish the race..
We managed to make it to the end, somehow not coming last. We both sat down to recover from our injuries while the group leader and assistant announced the scores.

G4= Rui and Nene
G5= Ena and Mizuki
G1= 1 pts
G2= 5 pts
G3= 0 pts
G4= 3 pts
G5= 0 pts
G6= 0 pts
I was kind of surprised that Nene and Rui came second, but that must be because of their great teamwork and friendship, soon to be relationship. <3.

Nene Pov:
Somehow Rui and I came second, I guess it's because I was trying extra hard so I wouldn't disappoint him..
GL- the next activity is a relay which is pretty simple. Just run and give your partner the baton without dropping it.
I volunteered myself to go second instead of Rui so that he wouldn't have to do the harder part.

Rui Pov:
Nene said that she would go second, which was interesting because that was harder than going first, but I agreed because I didn't want to upset her any more than I already had.

Nene pov:
I heard the group leader blow the whistle and saw Rui coming towards me. He was actually quite fast. I held my hand out and waited for him to come towards me. He was only a few metres behind me and I got ready to start running. The baton came into contact with my hand and I started running, but then I realised I had dropped it. I quickly went back to retrieve and ran to the end. I didn't even want to look up to see Ruis disappointed look.

Rui pov:
I passed the baton to Nene and she was unable to grasp it. I knew she wanted to cry as I saw her rush back to get it. It's all my fault. I didn't pass it right and now she probably thinks it's her fault. I couldn't see much, but I knew we were in last. I hope Nene didn't realise everyone was watching her.

G1- 1
G2- 6
G3- 0
G4- 3
G5- 3
G6- 5
I really wanted to go and comfort Nene, but I didn't know if she wanted to talk to me. If only coconuts didn't exist, none of this would've happened. I hate coconuts.

Nene pov:
Even though barely anything had even happened, I really wanted to cry. I let a Rui down after he perfectly passed the baton to me and everyone was probably staring at me. I just wanted to cry into Ruis arms and have him tell me everything would be okay, but I knew he would never want to do that anymore. I hate coconuts.

Ena Pov:
We approached the next activity and the group leader explained what we would be doing.
GL- this next station we will be giving you a break from physical activity and giving your brains a chance to do the work. There are 5 riddles written on the sheet of paper in front of you, and the first three groups to bring them to us with the correct answers will receive their respective points. You may start now.
I picked up the piece of paper and read the first riddle aloud to Mizuki.
E- "Bo's mother has five children. Their names are Fo, Jo, Ko and Rebecca. What is the fifth child's name?"
M- How are we supposed to know??
E- Mizuki, it's Bo...
M- Haha I knew that! I was just seeing if you did haha...

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