An Unforgettable Smile Bathed In An Autumn Tint

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Ena POV:
After pushing through the last two activities of the camp, we could finally go back to the dorms and start packing away our things. I packed away my teddy bear as well as the hoodie I had thrown onto my bed. I took my sleeping bag and shoved it into its case before placing it and my pillow next to my suitcase. Lastly, I went to the bathroom and collected my various hygiene products such as my toothpaste, toothbrush, hair brush, hair ties, moisturiser and deodorant. I tucked them into my carry bag and I was finally ready to leave. I waited for everyone else in the dorm to be ready (An and Mizuki took a while because they're unorganised), before taking Mizukis hand and walking out to the meeting point. We were still waiting on a few other dorms, so we chatted for a bit with the rest of our friends.

E- I'm so glad we can finally go home, that camp was kinda boring.
An- I know what you mean, did they really think teenagers would enjoy something like this? But I guess anything is better than school..
Ak- They'll probably make us do writing about the trip when we go back to school, anyways.
M- Erghh... Maybe I should just skip for most of next week...
To- Aren't the teachers already keeping an eye on you..? You probably shouldn't do that...
M- *sigh* You're right... Supplementary classes on a Sunday would probably be worse than regular classes on a weekday...
E- And on top of school, we also have to catch up on what we missed with our groups outside of school...
M- And I'm sure your followers missed seeing your beautiful face Ena~!
E- Shut it.
R- Speaking of technology, we really don't notice how much we use it until we can't have it, huh?
To- That's true.. there were times when I'd pull out my phone because I was bored just to realise it wasn't there.
N- Same... I can't wait to go back home and get a break from all the loud noises...
Ts- Oh come on guys, nature is so peaceful!
N- great example right there.

Mizuki Pov:
I was having a good time chatting with everyone and getting to know their personalities. I felt so lucky to have found so many amazing people who accept me for who I am. Though, I'm not sure if that would stay the same if I told them the truth... After a little while, the last groups finally arrived and we could start boarding the bus. Ena and I sat down and after a minute or two waiting for everyone else to board, the journey was about to begin.

M- I can't wait to go back home... the campsite was nice but the activities just weren't for me.
E- Same... I wish the entire camping trip could've just been staring at the stars, that would've been better.
M- I agree. And we missed out on our regular out of school activities too... I bet Kanade and Mafuyu finished like 10 songs while we were gone!
E- Calm down, I'm sure they only got one at the most. We'll just need to work a bit harder for a bit.
M- Well I can't start the MV without your illustrations so you better hurry!
E- Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll work as hard as I can.
M- ...

I reached into my bag to grab a bag of Hi-Chews that I had been keeping in secret for the trip.
M- Hey do you want a Hi-Chew?
E- Where did you get that from?? I thought we weren't allowed to have food on the trip.
M- It's not against the rules unless I get caught!
E- That is not how that works. And how come you only showed me now?
M- Do you want one or nah?
E- Yes, thank you.
M- Your welcome!~

I looked over at Ena and she seemed to be really sleepy.
M- Are you okay? You look tired..
E- I haven't gotten decent sleep for the past 3 days. I'm definitely gonna sleep for the entire afternoon when I get home.
M- Ena, you can barely keep your eyes open right now and we still have to walk home after this. It's a two hour drive so you might as well get in some sleep right now.
E- Are you sure? It would feel rude of me to do that...
M- Don't worry, I don't mind. Even I enjoy having alone time very now and then.
E- If you really don't mind, I guess I could...
M- Go ahead. I'll wake you up when we get back to the school.
E- Thanks Mizuki...
M- You're welcome! Princess~
E- *sigh* I'm gonna have to get used to that, aren't I?
M- Yup!~
M- I love you, Ena~
Enas cheeks went red and she looked away after I said that.
E- I-I love you too... Mizuki.

After that, she drifted off to dreamland and I was alone with my thoughts. I found myself subconsciously staring at Ena. I couldn't help it, she just looked so adorable and peaceful. I sat there feeling the happiest I have for a while. The thing I had been dreaming and daydreaming about for the past two years had finally come true. Ena was my girlfriend.

Nene pov:
It had already been an hour of the bus trip and Rui and I had talked about various topics such as animals, plants, foods and our shows with Wonderlands x showtime. I love talking with Rui. He's the only person in the world who I can talk about all my personal interests with without holding back.

R- Are you excited to go back home?
N- Yes. I'm not sure how I survived three days without technology. I lost a 300 day streak because of this trip.
R- Hehe, I think I know how you feel. It feels so strange to not be working on inventions and scripts.
N- And not being able to be alone at the end of the day... Those girls are nice and all, but I cannot keep up with them. Especially at the end of the day when all my social energy is drained.
R- You always seem to get nervous when you talk to other people, but you seem fine around me.

Nene was taken aback from this sudden statement.
N- W-Well.. We've known each other for a long time.. and I just feel comfortable around you... I mean we are.. dating after all...
R- Hehe, I know. I just wanted to hear you say it.
N- ...
N- Do that again and I'll move your bed out of our house in Minecraft.
R- Nooo anything but that!

Rui POV:
It was nice being able to talk to Nene like we used to in Elementary school, but as the trip continued she started only replying with nods and shaking her head. This wasn't uncommon for her. Sometimes after talking for a long time she just needs a break. And on top of that, she's already pretty tired from the past few days and not getting decent sleep.

R- Do you want a break, Nene?
N- Yes... thank you...

I looked over at Nene who was looking out the window. She seemed to be thinking about something, clearly something that made her very happy (*cough cough* Rui *cough*). She was so adorable, and her reactions whenever I did certain things to her were even cuter. I knew that she wanted a bit of alone time, but I just couldn't help myself. I leaned over and planted a light kiss on her head. At first she was a bit shocked, and then she burried her face in her hands.

N- Y-You know there's other people here... right..?
R- Yes, but it's not like anyone's paying attention to you.
N- *sigh* Do you plan on making this a habit..?
R- Most likely.
N- ...
N- I'm gonna be stuck with you for a long time, aren't I?
R- Yup!~

Around half an hour later, we finally arrived back at the school. Nene and I hopped off the bus and searched for our suitcases. Once we found them we headed over to the teacher who marked our names off the roll meaning we were finally free to go home. Even though there was a route Nene and I could take that would be much quicker and more efficient, we decided to take the long route because there were less people. It was almost sunset and there was a beautiful, warm, orange atmosphere around us. It felt quite romantic and I couldn't help but take Nenes hand as we walked on the path filled with gorgeous trees and plants. She actually didn't seem to mind and we walked to our houses in silence. Not in an awkward, tense silence, but more of a "I want to enjoy this moment to the fullest" silence. Her hand felt so warm interlocked with mine and I never wanted this moment to end. Sadly, the peacefulness had to come to an end as we approached both of our houses.

N- Um... So I'll see you tomorrow?
R- Yup... I'll see you tomorrow, Nene~

I smiled a genuine smile before deciding to give her one last kiss, this time... on the lips. At this point she had gotten more comfortable doing these kinds of things and I got to enjoy her presence just a little longer. We let go and she started getting ready to go into her house.

N- I'll see you tomorrow, Rui.
R- ...
R- Stay safe, Nene.

And with that, she closed her front door and a small tear escaped my eye. For the first time, I wasn't quite sure why. It's like a hole in my heart had been filled. I got a hold of myself before entering the gate of my own house, nearly finishing the three day camp trip which felt more like a 20 chapter, 19,000 word romance book. A lot had happened along the way, but words can't even describe how glad I am that it turned out how it did. I looked back outside one more time for no apparent reason, before opening the door, entering, and closing it again, fully capping off my love story of a lifetime.

Campfire Confessions from Starlit Hearts | mizuena & RuineneWhere stories live. Discover now