Pushing through activities

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The original group of Nene, Rui, Ena and Mizuki seperated from the others and headed to their activity group leader.
GL= group leader
GL- welcome everyone to your first activity together. I hope we can all get along
GL- our first activity is raft building which means you will need to change into your swimsuits, unless you want to get your clothes wet.
GL- unfortunately, the river is too dangerous to use so we will be using a pool instead.
GL- you have 10 minutes to get ready and then we will meet back here.
The students rushed off in different directions, not wanting to be last back.
(Don't know why this is in third person lol)

Mizuki pov:
(After the students got back)
GL- you will get into partners and will have 20 minutes to make your raft before testing it. You will then have 10 minutes to make any adjustments before we have a race against all the pairs. Your time starts now.
I wasn't a big fan of the group leader, she lacked lots of enthusiasm.
Naturally, Rui and Nene got into partners and so did Ena and I. Most pairs had the same strategy of using the rope to tie a bunch of pool noodles together. Ena and I didn't really care about winning so we tied 5 pool noodles together and called it a day. Rui and nene (mainly Rui) on the other hand we're going all out.

Rui pov:
GL- Rui, Is that a screwdriver?"
R- Yes it is, why?
GL- You're only allowed to use the materials provided and where did you even get a screwdriver..?
The leader took my screwdriver and walked away.
R- boring.
Even without my tools, I still made a raft way better, sturdier and more advanced than the other pairs.
"Times up!" Exclaimed the leader.

Most pairs ended up sinking into the pool, and some only barely made it across. Now it was Ena and Mizukis turn. "Maybe if we push it really fast we'll make it across." Suggested mizuki. Ena sat on the raft and mizuki did one big push before (trying to) carefully jump on. They made it about two thirds across before the raft couldn't support their weight. Mizuki and Ena didn't mind falling in as it was quite a hot day. Finally, it was me and Nenes turn. Nene sat in the raft (more like a boat) and I used the paddles I made to push us through the water. The raft was made of a combination of pool noodles and paddle boards and barriers on the side. Obvisouly, we made it across with ease.
GL- before fixing your rafts, note that the winner will receive a prize so make sure to try hard if you're not already.
Hearing this update, Ena and Mizuki were a bit more interested.

Mizuki pov:
E- How are we supposed to beat Nene and Rui?? This guy literally has a motor on his raft
M- hmmm..
Then I spotted something.
M- maybe we could use those big lifesaving floaties and make some paddles.
E- you really think we'll be able to win with that?
M- better then the abomination we made before.

Rui pov:
The teams lined up in the pool and got ready. "3 2 1 go." Said the teacher, unenthusiastically. The teams paddled through the water as fast as they could. Nene and I had a clear lead with mizuki and Ena in 3rd. We were going well until I felt movement on the outside of our raft. Turns out the team next to us were sabotaging us! But by the time we realised, it was too late. They managed to untie our ropes using their paddles and we had to try and use our hands to get to the end.

Mizuki pov:
Ena and I thought we were doomed, but then one of the teams sabotaged Rui and Nene putting both of the teams behind us. I felt really bad for Rui and Nene since they worked really hard in their raft, but there was nothing we could do about it now. I paddled as hard as I could thinking about the bragging rights we would get. We got to the end of the pool just moments before the other teams.

GL- your prize for winning is a "get food before everyone else" voucher which can be used at lunch, breakfast and dinner.
"That's it??" I thought. I had done all that work for nothing.
GL- We will now be heading to the lake for our next activity, kayaking.
"Everyone get into partners and we'll take turns learning how to use the kayak." Explained the group leader.

For most of the activity, we just sat on the ground talking and watching other groups fall into the water upon entrance into the kayak. After half an hour, the group leader explained that we could now just do whatever we wanted in the kayak as long as we didn't go to far. I'm pretty sure the group leader just didn't feel like having to watch us, which is fine by me. While other groups played battleships and fell into the freezing water, Ena and I sat and chatted to pass time.

They were pushing through activities, I was pushing through writing this chapter (I'm tired).

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