A childish War

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Guess who finally finished writing a chapter after putting it off for over two weeks 🙋

Nene pov:
My eyes opened and unlike yesterday morning, it was more on the bright side today. I must've woken up later than yesterday. I looked around to see if anyone else was awake when I heard Ans voice from the bunk above me.

A- Good morning Nene!
N- Oh.. good morning. Do you know what time it is..?
A- It's 7:00. Hehe, those two must've been too excited to fall asleep last night~
An gestured to Mizuki and Ena who were sound asleep.

I had almost forgotten about what had happened the previous night. I was excited to see Rui again, I was so glad things could finally go back to normal. Well, better than normal.
N- Anyways, I'm gonna go get ready now...
A- Okay! Take your time~

I rummaged through my suitcase to find something to wear. Although it was cold at the moment, it would be getting much warmer later, so I picked a light, short sleeved one-piece which had a subtle floral pattern and a white cardigan to go over the top. I finished getting ready and the time was now 7:05. Although we weren't required to be ready until 7:45, we were allowed to go outside within a reasonable distance. I decided to go outside to see if I could find Rui. As I opened the door and stepped outside, I felt the cold morning breeze on my face. I looked around and it appeared that I was the only person outside. I guess no one would want to be outside on such a cold morning. I walked around for a bit before spotting Rui. He was sitting on a bench surrounded by trees and plants.

N- I thought I might find you out here.
R- Ah, Nene. good morning~
N- Good morning. So uhm... have you told anyone about last night yet..?
R- By the time I got back, everyone was already asleep. How about you?
N- well uhm... the girls kinda found out on their own...
R- Hehe, I thought you might say something like that~
N- W-What do you mean..?
R- Well when we were outside last night, I thought I could vaguely make out two figures with brown and pink hair, but how I could I ruin a moment like that?
N- Eh- I...

I didn't know how to respond so I looked away and watched the clouds go by. After a few minutes, the teachers gathered us up and bought us to the meeting point. They explained how we would be eating breakfast outside today giving us more space to eat with more people. For the first time in my life, something like this felt like it would actually be useful. If this was in middle school, I probably would've just sat somewhere in the grass while reading manga, but now I would be sitting at a table with Rui, Mizuki, Ena and all the others.

Mizuki pov:
After the teachers explained what would be happening today, all the students got their breakfast and met up with their friends. I had only woken up around 15 minutes ago because of the troubles I had falling asleep last night, but rushing to get ready definitely woke me up a bit. Me, Ena, Rui, Nene, An, Akito and Toya all sat around a large picnic table together.

Rui pov:
We chatted together for a while, but then the others started running out of things to say. I figured this might be a good opportunity to tell the others about what happened last night. I turned to Nene and gave her a look and luckily, she understood what I was trying to say. She hesitantly nodded and I turned back to the others.

R- Everyone, Nene and I have something to tell you.
R- Some things happened last night and now me and Nene are dating!
Ts- congratulations you two! You two were always rather close, so I knew this would happen someday!
N- Yeah yeah yeah... stop making it such a big deal.

Mizuki pov:
After Rui told everyone about him and Nene, I thought that it might be a good time to tell them about Ena and I, but I wasn't sure if Ena would want to. I turned to her and whispered in her ear.

M- do you think we should tell them?
E- um... maybe.. but I'm kinda worried about what Akito would think...
M- But he's your brother, wouldn't he be supportive of you?
E- You know what Akito's like, he'd probably try to be all overprotective and stuff.
M- You have to tell him at some point, so it might as well be now.
E- Fine. It's not like I care about what he thinks anyways.

I finally got the green flag from Ena, and I excitedly turned back to the others.
M- Speaking of relationships... Ena and I...
This immediately catches Akito's attention and he interrupts me mid-sentence.
Ak- Akiyama Mizuki, if you finish that sentence how I think you are...
M- well um... Ena and I are also dating..!
Ak- Nope. Not happening.
E- What's your problem?! Why do you get to decide who I date?
Akito ignores Enas remark and turns to me.
Ak- One wrong move and you'll be six feet under, and not in a coffin.
M- Ooh shiver me timbers~
Ak- That's exactly why I don't want you dating people like Mizuki, Ena.
After Akito said that Ena looked like she was frustrated to the point of tears.
E- What is wrong with you?! You dont even know what Mizuki and I have been through. You think that just because you're my brother you can control every single decision I make?! I'M the older one here!
Ena then stood up and ran in a random direction. Everyone else on the table was silent.
M- I-I'm gonna go after her... I'll be right back.

I stood up and ran in the same direction Ena had.
M- Ena! Where are you..?
I searched for a good minute until I heard quiet sobbing coming from behind the bathroom stalls. I followed the sound and finally found Ena. I immediately wrapped her in a hug.
M- Are you okay..?
E- Of course not! What's Akito's problem?! Why does he think he can just control my entire life like that?!
M- I know what he did was kind of mean... but I don't think he's trying to hurt you..
E- Well he is hurting me. And you should be hurt too! How can you be so calm after what he said about you??
M- I'm sure he was just a little shocked. He'll get over it eventually-!
E - He better. But until then, I'm gonna stay mad at him.
M- *sigh* Fine. Do you think you're ready to head back now? We're not really supposed to be out of supervision.
E- Maybe... Is it okay if we just sit together..? I don't really feel like being around everyone right now...
M- Of course, anything for you, princess~
E- I thought I told you not to call me that. But... thank you..
M- Your welcome~!

Akito POV: (just after Ena ran away)
I watched as she ran away before turning back to the group and sighing.
Ak- Why does she always have to be so dramatic? I was just looking out for her.
An- I'm sure you didn't mean any harm, but don't you think that was a bit too much..?
Ak- Okay, maybe I was a little overprotective, but she could've at least just talked instead of running away.
An- I can see where you're coming from, but you know what Ena's like.. I mean, how would you feel if she didn't want you to date To-
Ak- *cough cough* please don't finish that sentence.
Ts- Don't worry Akito, as someone with years of sister experience, they always end up forgiving you!
Ak- Well you didn't get a demon for a sister...

A moment later, breakfast was over and we had to begin the activities for the day. I tried to act tough on the outside, but I was secretly really upset about what had happened.

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