Am I plural?

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You standing here is perhaps the reason I'm dead
You standing here killing me
You broke my mind
I am not me
Am I them?
Trauma I hardly remember
Scarring my burnt flesh
Hands on my hair
Very cold hands
You were a friend
A freak like me
Disgusting us both
Maggots that swallowed my skin and blood
Serving them is all I'm good for

But something is happening
I'm not
Me anymore
I'm.... Broken
Gaps in my memories
Wide, stretched, deep gaps
Dissociating for hours
I don't know who I am

Maybe I'm just Otherkin
Maybe I'm schizophrenic like they tell me I am
Maybe I'm faking
I always was a good dirty little liar
Maybe I'm just stupid
Maybe I'm just dumb
Maybe I'm just lonely
Maybe I've repressed everything
I'm praying for quiet

Kill me

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