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How cold you seem
When you speak like that
Your dead eyes
Your pale skin

As I stretch forever
My skin all chopped up
Pushing forward
If you could come with me

Killing myself slowly
A game of chance
One day I'll fly away
I can't take this anymore
Blood pressure rising

I don't know much
I'm not that smart
I'm not that bold
Knives and Razors are a comfort
A comfortable place to find myself

If only
Attention doesn't find me
It doesn't exist
It just lingers
As if
Blood is so much better
Than the blood I gave myself

I don't know
I don't know what I don't know
Lifeless I lay here sourly and bitter
As if only alive out of spite
Spiteful people live longer

I don't know death
I love death however, I'm in bliss
I'm slowly becoming more and more comfortable
I'm panicking
I don't know if it's cold
It doesn't matter

Fear pushing me forward
Fear keeping me at bay
Except it's not fear
It's a obsessive thought of control

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