How much (tw sui)

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How much

I starve myself
I will kill myself
I will be set on fire
I don't know anything

Your words like acid
Your body hits like concrete
My anger
I'm sorry for not being the stereotypical victim type

I won't silently cut up my wrists
I won't bury my pain
I won't hang my neck without a tear
I won't die without a whole fucking fight

You will hear my final words
You will see the scars
You will know my pain
You will see the slits

Bullies are to oblivious to what they do
They'll suddenly care when I die

Thankfully, I don't feel empathy
Not for them, atleast
I'll laugh from the clouds

They'll tear me down until I snap
Until I kms
Then they'll care

But I won't give them that satisfaction

I find their attempts to hurt me funny

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