Scars and Dolls pt 1

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Tw: Blood, Gore, Self harm, suicide, derealization/depersonalization, cannibalism (fictional metaphorical cannibalism, nobody is getting eaten lol), abusive themes

My head that aches
My soul tied down by your teeth
You have such beautiful, shiny, bright teeth
Your words can bring me down
But I don't stay down

Red glistening fluid dripping
On my hands
On my face
On your lips
On your stupid smile

I feel as if I'm everything
I'm supposed to be doing everything
Nothing can truly feel like everything
I'm carving out my body from wood
The bone  and flesh I'm making
I'm with myself
Myself and me
I don't know what I am
I'm nodding

You eat me bite by bite
Flesh and crunched bone
Strings of meat
I don't know
I'm so tired and confused
Like a doll
I dance along

I need sleep
I don't know why
I don't know why
Take the silver blade
And slice away impure skin and meat
If my way was the way of my life
There would be deep thick scars along my thighs
Holes and deep gashes
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know anything
Just kill me

Now your gone
My intense parasitic para social relationship
I feel cold
I miss this
I just wanna go home
My real home
A pretty home
Soft and comfy, warm and full of a cozy glowing environment

My teeth are intertwined with my reflection
The crack of glass
I don't fully recognize the metallic taste
The red that pours out
Gulping down shattered glass
Into my stomach
Not much said
Not much said
I don't know what to say

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