Just a goofy lil post :,)

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Quotes my friends or our RP group has said or stuff I made up, as The Fears. :)


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The Vast

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The Vast

"Do you ever look into dark water, and just wish it could eat you whole. Absorb your thoughts and emotions. Like nothing even matters. As if you can't see anything, and that's okay."

"I've always preferred infinite depth, it doesn't scare me."

"I'm so confused, but you're here. I guess that's cool. Your eyes remind me of the sea, the dark, vast, terrifying and mysterious sea. You look so beautiful like this."

The Dark

"Shhhh.... Don't turn on... the lights"

"Whatever, it's better in the pitch black, that way I'm not tripping over my own shit. I'm fabulously and gracefully miscalculating a step."

The buried

"The urge to dig my own grave, feeling trapped by the stone, sandy, cold walls. Nothing to fear, only the dark. I'm a... unfortunately tragic character. So this is inconvenient."

"To....be.... Underneath the earth, truly, one with the dirt."

The Web

"So anyway, I Married a fucking spider, that wasn't the highlight of my life."

"I'm not scared of spiders or tangles of web. Who knows, maybe I AM a spider. Hahaha."

"You wake up in a spider web full of your dying childhood pets."

More later

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