Tragic, Lonely, Loveless (sorry it's short)

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Standard TWs: Isolation, self harm

Do you know me?
Standing in your garden
Lost I am
And lost I forever may be
The fog is thick
My memory is gone
Cry all you want
Cry all you need
I'm not here
So don't worry my friend
That is what we were, right?
I don't remember

I'm alone, I think
I miss you

If the scars were drawn any deeper
If my self inflicted visible hatred was more serious
Would you stay?
Maybe not, I'm lonely, after all
Everybody else walks past
Strolling on by
I don't have that
Blissful ignorance, happy memories, lovely memories

I guess we were doomed to be alone together
Two strangers in a white room
A single birthday ballon

Happy birthday to nobody

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