Spooky for ever

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I'm feeling much better, my back is healing, I think I'm gonna start posting art here.

Tw: implications of death I guess, some religious themes

A spiral, so infinite and stretched onwards
A mind so understanding

If only I was as pure as you
You love me, but I don't deserve it
For your love is Pennies dropping into a well of oil

You stare into my heart
Your cold, piercing blue eyes
So cold, they give my retinas frostbite

You tried to teach me Russian
You showed me the fanfiction you wrote
You loved bug

What happened....
We were so close.......
I guess you didn't care
Maybe I didn't care
Maybe, we're both awful people

I wish I could live in a home like yours
But I can't
Nobody can

You can't live alone if you're dead
You can't have a family if they don't care
You died that night, your body is here but I will never see the real you ever again

I miss our chats
Our friends
The fun
Hanging out and candy
Books and giggles and gossip
You told me I was funny
They look at me now as if I'm a crazy liar

I'm so tired
Just let me fly away
Let me cry myself into a coma
I'm so scared
Make the fear and panic go away

I'm fucking dying
Just don't leave me....
I promise I'll change my personality just fix my thoughts

I hate you sometimes
On cold nights in the winter
On those nights we would read horror stories and drink pumpkin spice tea

I miss the old you...

Please..... come back

I miss the you that let me believe my lies <\3

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