
193 13 6

It's another shorter one, but I did enjoy writing it!!

This one is basically the Red Leader being mildly nostalgic of the past, and fearing the fact he's aging 😭 sorry my guy, but you're gonna get wrecked soon

Hope you all enjoy!!!

Staring into a mirror. That's what the Red Leader was doing. He was staring into a mirror, gazing into his tired eyes, eyes that held a lot of wisdom, yet a lot of pain. But nothing was hurting...physically, at least. He just couldn't get it.

It was then that he started noticing things other than his eyes, some new wrinkles here and there, and eyebags that seemed to hold the weight of his existence. He was getting older, a fact that he hated so much. He knew he wouldn't exactly be here forever, yet the idea of getting old was terrifying, especially after living as long as he had. His gaze hardened. He took a breath and turned away from the mirror, thinking.

The Red Leader missed the days of his youth when he was young and carefree, the days before his own apprenticehood and subsequent rule of the Red Kingdom. And that made him think some more. His own eyes showed his age and the experiences that came with, but... someone else's eyes showed youth, with ever growing wisdom and such warmth. His apprentice. His apprentice was a lot younger than he was. He was kind, he was adventurous, and he reminded him so much of someone he once knew. There were days where he wondered if being an apprentice was the right thing for his apprentice, because of his adventurous spirit, and the obvious fact he tended to break the one rule he had put in place, but he'd...always been so adamant, and he truly was the only Red Steve cut out for the job with a passionate drive to be so. Plus, there really was no containing him. He truly was one of a kind. A small smile graced his face at that thought.

He then thought of the times he'd caught the Professor's eyes. He, too, had eyes that held years of experience and wisdom, and yet he still held a...youthful passion, despite being around his own age. Well, youthful passion being moreso...the fact he had been long insane, but that's besides the point.

The Red Leader took another breath, returning his gaze to the mirror, to his eyes. There seemed to be a new fire set ablaze in them. A new passion. So what if he was growing older? He still had so much to do. Why would he ever let the idea of ageing stop him from being the best he could possibly be.

Finally, he walked away from the mirror. He had a lesson planned out for his apprentice, and there was no way he was going to let him down by wallowing in his own sorrow.

If only he knew just how little time he had left as the leader of his people.

Chromatober|A FMS Prompt Challenge by LoneRanger253|Written by meWhere stories live. Discover now