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Yeah, so as I said in my conversation tab...I kinda got caught up raging at a roblox game- and well, my will to write kinda died on me as well- lolzzzz

Anyways, Happy with a headcold! They suck so baddddd so I had to torment her:3

...once again, with the transfem Happy headcanon!

Also, I would've ended it with them coming to make her feel better, but sjdjfjfj I couldn't get myself to write anymore, but they do come to look after her after-

Today was supposed to be a day where a certain group of friends hung out, but unfortunately, one had come down with a head cold and was feeling super rough. Yup, Happy, Funny, Shy, and Nerdy had all planned to hang out today. Happy was frustrated. She was really looking forward to the hangout for the entire week now, but of course, she had to fall ill. Now, she did not want any of her friends to catch this from her, so of course she stayed in bed, but because her mind was so clouded by sickness, she failed to realise at least one of them would be sent to get her to come out.

The next thing she knew, someone was knocking on her door. She groaned softly and managed to get out of bed. Happy quickly headed towards the front door, pushing it open just a crack to peek out, "Hi Happy!" It was Funny, who was standing right outside of the door, "You still coming out to the hangout session?" Happy bit her lip a bit, she couldn't say no to Funny, she really couldn't. She opened the door wider and nodded her head, "Just gotta get changed into some outdoor wear, I'm still in my pyjamas!" She giggled a bit, although she was pushing some of that enthusiasm into her voice.

And that's how she ended up hanging out with her friends while feeling really groggy and overall not good. Having to act like you normally do while ill is not a fun task, Happy can tell you that with full confidence. Her head felt like a sponge had been shoved into it, and while being around many people was usually welcomed with open arms, she felt very...overwhelmed and overcrowded. She saw how much fun her friends were having, and yet she just wanted to go back home.

A hand gently rested on her shoulder suddenly, making her jump slightly and look to the other three, who all looked quite concerned for her, "You alright Happy?" "Y-You seemed zoned out..." "You look unwell.." Happy looked between the three of them, mouth agape, trying to find the words to respond to them, but she just couldn't gather any words. Her breathing picked up as distress spiked up within her. Then she did something she had never done before. Happy ran away. She ran away from her friends in distress, which felt blinding.

Happy could hear them calling after her, in shock and worry. She just kept running until she was home, where she ended up curled up in her bed, crying and feeling worse than before she had gone out. Oh if only she had just stayed in bed... she knew they'd be here soon... but for now, she just had to calm down...

Chromatober|A FMS Prompt Challenge by LoneRanger253|Written by meWhere stories live. Discover now