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I'm about to go to bed- but it's raining as I am writing this, but here's this one!!!

I wrote this just after I wrote Grow sjdjdbfnn-

Trusting people was hard. Especially when you had been betrayed so many times. Sabre was learning to trust again, day by day. Of course, he trusted Time and Dark. They were there for him when nobody else was. He was learning to trust everyone in the village, although he already thought highly of them for letting him in, even with visible darkness on him.

He remembered a time before his trust issues began, before the first time darkness took over him... before people he cared about died. Sabre... remembered how happy he used to be. How cheerful he once was. Every day, he wishes he could go back to that, go back to the time when Light and the Leaders all trusted him, and where he could trust them.

However, all he can really do is wait for the day where that may once more be possible, even if it takes forever. He will wait. He always does.

Chromatober|A FMS Prompt Challenge by LoneRanger253|Written by meWhere stories live. Discover now